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Courses: First Responder Emergency Care FREC 3

Classroom5 DaysPart timeCoursesEnglish

The Level 3 Award in First Response Emergency Care (FREC) course is for people who work or would like to work as first response emergency care providers in a variety of sectors. Based on the recommendations of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh - Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care (FPHC), The Assessment Principles for Regulated First Aid Qualifications and the Resuscitation Council (UK).

This FREC qualification is ideal for people who work in voluntary and community activities, to enable them to provide prehospital care to patients requiring emergency care or treatment. This is an ideal start for you if you wish to progress your career within the emergency services, ambulance services or healthcare settings.

Ideal for security staff, or those with specialist medical roles within law enforcement, military or construction.


5 Days classroom training

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First Responder Emergency Care FREC 3
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