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Courses: GWO - First Aid Refresh

Classroom4 HoursPart timeCoursesSwedish

The aim of this module is:

  • to enable participants, through theoretical and practical training, to refresh the participants prior experiences, knowledge, skills, and abilities to enable participants to recognise signs and symptoms of life threating situations 
  • administer safe and effective first aid in the wind turbine industry/WTG environment in order to save lives, preventing further illness or injury, until the casualty can be handed over to the next level of care in case of an incident in the wind turbine industry/WTG environment.

After having successfully complete this BSTR First Aid module, the participants will have the ability to:

1) Act independently in recognising, assessing, and prioritising the need for basic first aid and providing lifesaving first aid until the casualty can be handed over to the next level of care in case of an incident in the wind turbine industry/WTG environment.

2) Take responsibility for recognising their limitations as a basic first aider, calling for help and enable evacuation off the casualty in case of an incident in the wind turbine industry/WTG environment.

Validity Period

  • The certificate have a validity of 24 month.
  • Certificates and training records shall be renewed before the end of the validity period. First Aid Refresh
  • If a certificate is expired, the participant must attend the full First Aid to obtain a new training record.

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