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Dette kurset har ingen fremtidige kursdato(er) oppført. Bruk skjemaet for å kontakte kursholderen for mer informasjon.
The objective of the course is to retrain in safe and efficient handling of shuttle tankers when loading at offshore Tandem-FSO/FPSO and OLS offshore loading systems. The course has special focus on emergency shut downs and berthing/unberthing procedures, by exploiting DP, engines, rudders and thrusters, under normal and severe conditions and with systems intact and with system errors.
The duration of the course is 3 days and the maximum number of participants is 6.
The course covers theoretical topics such as:
Simulator cases include:
In order to receive Document of Evidence the participants must pass a written and practical examination.
The course is developed according to the GOMO guidelines, O&G UK regulations and Equinor’s Competence Requirements and STCW 2010, table A-II/1 and A- II/2
Nautical education at management level, nautical certificate and passed the DP Induction, the DP Simulator courses and the Offshore Loading Phase 1 and 2 Course or other basic Offshore Loading courses.
3 days
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