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This winter season we have snowkiting courses in three favorite spots in Namdalen's kite nirvana! Røyrvik and Namsskogan both near Børgefjell National Park and at Bjørgan ski center (Grong). Our 2,5 days course will teach you everything you need to know when it comes to snowkiting. The goal of the course is to teach you how to safely snowkite on your own. Tundra Tours will provide the instructor and all the necessary kite gear such as helmets, harnesses and the kites. You need to bring your own skies (if not you can rent) and preferably your own helmet. Be sure to have appropriately warm clothes for outdoor use in arctic conditions. More info about what you need to bring etc. is provided when booking. Accommodation can be organised through us. Choose from Limingen Gjestegård (Hotel), or at our "Tundra Tours cabin" in Røyrvik or directly through Grongs Bjørgan ski center.
This winter season we have snowkiting courses in three favorite spots in Namdalen's kite nirvana! Røyrvik and Namsskogan both near Børgefjell National Park and at Grongs Bjørgan ski center.
No experience needed. The course is perfect for newbeginners in snowkiting
2,5 days
Age groups 14 -70 years
Se flere kurs fra Tundra Tours (2)
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