Kurs: Aspentech: EAP201 Aspen Plus: Physical properties for Process Engineers
Maersk Training Norway
2 dager Deltid Kurs Klasserom

  • Learn how to select physical property methods appropriate for your process
  • Modify physical properties and supply data to improve the accuracy of an existing model
  • Understand how to validate physical properties
  • Gain practical knowledge in estimating and regressing missing parameters
  • Learn how to use the physical property features of Aspen Plus and Aspen Properties® 


  • Instruction on basic topics
  • Demonstrations of general features
  • Instructor-guided exercises
  • Hands-on workshops that apply learned concepts
  • Example problems
  • Detailed course notes


  • Learn how to specify and use properties in your steady-state and dynamic simulations by gaining a better understanding of the Aspen Plus® physical properties system
  • Note: The standard course covers electrolytes but not solids capabilities in Aspen Plus


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