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11 treff i Citrix

Klasserom + nettkurs 5 dager 31 000 kr
Expand your Citrix networking knowledge and skills by enrolling in this five-day course. It covers Citrix ADC essentials, including secure load balancing, high availabili... [+]
COURSE OVERVIEW  You will learn to deliver secure remote access to apps and desktops integrating Citrix Virtual Apps and Citrix Desktops with Citrix Gateway.  This course includes an exam. TARGET AUDIENCE Built for IT Professionals working with Citrix ADC and Gateway, with little or no previous Citrix networking experience. Potential students include administrators, engineers, and architects interested in learning how to deploy or manage Citrix ADC or Citrix Gateway environments. COURSE OBJECTIVES  Identify the functionality and capabilities of Citrix ADC and Citrix Gateway Explain basic Citrix ADC and Gateway network architecture Identify the steps and components to secure Citrix ADC Configure Authentication, Authorization, and Auditing Integrate Citrix Gateway with Citrix Virtual Apps, Citrix Virtual Desktops and other Citrix components COURSE CONTENT Module 1: Getting Started Introduction to Citrix ADC Feature and Platform Overview Deployment Options Architectural Overview Setup and Management Module 2: Basic Networking Networking Topology Citrix ADC Components Routing Access Control Lists Module 3: ADC Platforms Citrix ADC MPX Citrix ADC VPX Citrix ADC CPX Citrix ADC SDX Citrix ADC BLX Module 4: High Availability Citrix ADC High Availability High Availability Configuration Managing High Availability In Service Software Upgrade Troubleshooting High Availability Module 5: Load balancing Load Balancing Overview Load Balancing Methods and Monitors Load Balancing Traffic Types Load Balancing Protection Priority Load Balancing Load Balancing Troubleshooting Module 6: SSL Offloading SSL Overview SSL Configuration SSL Offload Troubleshooting SSL Offload SSL Vulnerabilities and Protections Module 7: Security Authentication, Authorization, and Auditing Configuring External Authentication Admin Partitions Module 8: Monitoring and Troubleshooting Citrix ADC Logging Monitoring with SNMP Reporting and Diagnostics AppFlow Functions Citrix Application Delivery Management Troubleshooting Module 9: Citrix Gateway Introduction to Citrix Gateway Advantages and Utilities of Citrix Gateway Citrix Gateway Configuration Common Deployments Module 10: AppExpert Expressions Introduction to AppExpert Policies Default Policies Explore Citrix ADC Gateway Policies Policy Bind Points Using AppExpert with Citrix Gateway Module 11: Authentication, Authorization, and Secure Web Gateway Authentication and Authorization Multi-Factor Authentication nFactor Visualizer SAML authentication Module 12: Managing Client Connections Introduction to Client Connections Session Policies and Profiles Pre and Post Authentication Policies Citrix Gateway Deployment Options Managing User Sessions Module 13: Integration for Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Virtual Apps and Desktop Integration Citrix Gateway Integration Citrix Gateway WebFront ICA Proxy Clientless Access and Workspace App Access Fallback SmartControl and SmartAccess for ICA Module 14: Configuring Citrix Gateway Working with Apps on Citrix Gateway RDP Proxy Portal Themes and EULA [-]
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Nettstudie 2 semester 4 980 kr
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Introduksjon til Citrix XenApp - installasjon av Citrix XenApp (6.5) - praktisk bruk - konfigurasjon - bruk av Web Interface - publisere applikasjoner og innhold - stream... [+]
  Studieår: 2013-2014   Gjennomføring: Høst og vår Antall studiepoeng: 5.0 Forutsetninger: Generelt gode IT-kunnskaper. Bør ha kjennskap til bruk av Windows server og fordel med MS SQL server. Kjennskap til AD, RDP og DNS. Innleveringer: 8 obligatoriske øvinger Personlig veileder: ja Vurderingsform: 2 dagers praktisk hjemmeeskamen med både teoretiske og praktiske oppgaver. Ansvarlig: Stein Meisingseth Eksamensdato: 17.12.13 / 20.05.14         Læremål: KUNNSKAPER:Kandidaten skal:- kjenne til fordelen med å ta i bruk Citrix XenApp for en bedrift/organisasjon- kunne gjøre rede for hvordan Citrix XenApp brukes som publiseringsplattform- kunne beskrive Citrix XenApp brukes for å rulle ut applikasjoner- kunne gjøre rede for hvordan XenApp kan tas i bruk som applikasjonsvirtualisering på klientside (streaming) og på serverside (publishing)- kunne oppnå optimal applikasjonsytelse og fleksible leveransemuligheter FERDIGHETER:Kandidaten skal:- kunne installere Citrix XenApp- kunne sette opp administrativ konfigurasjon- kunne sette opp og publisere applikasjoner, innhold og desktops for brukere- kunne konfigurere applikasjoner for streaming til servere og til desktops- kunne vurdere hvilken sikkerhet som kreves- kunne sette opp og konfigurere overvåkning- kunne konfigurere og bruke et administrativt grensesnitt GENERELL KOMPETANSEKandidaten:- har kompetanse til selvstendig både å formidle og å ta i bruk sine kunnskaper og ferdigheter i en bedrift som vil bruke Citrix XenApp- kan i et forklare og gjøre bruk av sin kunnskap for bruk av Citrix XenApp Innhold:- introduksjon til Citrix XenApp - installasjon av Citrix XenApp (6.5) - praktisk bruk - konfigurasjon - bruk av Web Interface - publisere applikasjoner og innhold - streame applikasjoner - sette opp restriksjoner - konfigurere lastbalansering - maksimere brukeropplevelse - bruke av skrivere - sikkerhet - overvåkningLes mer om faget her Påmeldingsfrist: 25.08.13 / 25.01.14         Velg semester:  Høst 2013    Vår 2014     Fag Citrix XenApp 4980,-         Semesteravgift og eksamenskostnader kommer i tillegg.   [-]
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5 dager 42 000 kr
07 Jul
06 Oct
15 Dec
CNS-227: Deploy and Manage Citrix ADC 13.x with Citrix Gateway [+]
CNS-227: Deploy and Manage Citrix ADC 13.x with Citrix Gateway [-]
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5 dager 23 900 kr
The Managing Citrix XenDesktop 7 Solutions course provides students with the skills required to effectively support a Citrix app and desktop virtualization solution in a ... [+]
The Managing Citrix XenDesktop 7 Solutions course provides students with the skills required to effectively support a Citrix app and desktop virtualization solution in a Windows Server 2012 environment. This course is based on final product code and is currently available through select Citrix Authorized Learning Centers (CALCs).   Upon completion of this course, students will learn how to successfully manage, monitor, support and troubleshoot a XenDesktop 7 solution, which includes growing the implementation to accommodate changes in the environment (adding new apps, new users, new desktops,) and troubleshooting common issues. [-]
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5 dager 23 900 kr
In this Citrix XenServer 6.0 training course, students are provided the foundational knowledge necessary to effectively install, configure, administer, and troubleshoot X... [+]
In this Citrix XenServer 6.0 training course, students are provided the foundational knowledge necessary to effectively install, configure, administer, and troubleshoot XenServer 6.0 and Provisioning Services 6.0. [-]
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5 dager 23 900 kr
The CVA-500-2 Architecting a Citrix Virtualization Solution courseware teaches Citrix architects how to analyze and design a comprehensive Citrix virtualization solution.... [+]
The CVA-500-2 Architecting a Citrix Virtualization Solution courseware teaches Citrix architects how to analyze and design a comprehensive Citrix virtualization solution. Based on the Citrix Consulting Services Methodology, the course will provide students with the key considerations for managing the project, assessing environment readiness and risks and designing the appropriate solution according to Citrix best practices. Students will gain real-world insight from the field and practice assessment and design exercises based on challenging, enterprise-level scenarios. [-]
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4 dager 23 900 kr
The objective of Implementing Citrix NetScaler 10 for XenDesktop or XenApp Solutions is to provide the foundational concepts and skills necessary to implement, configure,... [+]
The objective of Implementing Citrix NetScaler 10 for XenDesktop or XenApp Solutions is to provide the foundational concepts and skills necessary to implement, configure, secure, and monitor a Citrix NetScaler system with NetScaler (Access) Gateway in a desktop virtualization environment, providing secure application and data access to users. This course is designed specifically for learners who have limited or no previous NetScaler experience. In order to successfully complete this course, learners will have access to hands-on exercises within a virtual lab environment. This course is based on the Citrix NetScaler 10.0 product, but the skills and fundamental concepts learned are common to earlier product versions. [-]
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23 900 kr
The objective of Deploying Citrix XenDesktop 7 Solutions is to provide students with hands-on experience installing and configuring XenDesktop 7 app and desktop solutions... [+]
The objective of Deploying Citrix XenDesktop 7 Solutions is to provide students with hands-on experience installing and configuring XenDesktop 7 app and desktop solutions from the ground up, as well as testing their implementations prior to rollout. Leaving the class, students will have the skills to successfully deploy XenDesktop 7 app and desktop solutions that a majority of Citrix customers implement today. [-]
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5 dager 23 900 kr
Kurset er basert på Citrix NetScaler 10 produktene. [+]
The objective of the Citrix NetScaler 10 Essentials and Networking course is to provide the foundational concepts and advanced skills necessary to implement, configure, secure, monitor, optimize, and troubleshoot a Citrix Netscaler system from within a networking framework. This course is designed specifically for learners who have limited or no previous NetScaler experience. In order to successfully complete this course, learners will have access to hands-on exercises within a virtual lab environment. This course is based on the Citrix NetScaler 10.0 product, but the skills and fundamental concepts learned are common to earlier product versions. [-]
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5 dager 23 900 kr
The CVE-400-2 Engineering a Citrix® Virtualization Solution course teaches Citrix engineers how to plan for and perform the tasks necessary to successfully integrate the ... [+]
The CVE-400-2 Engineering a Citrix® Virtualization Solution course teaches Citrix engineers how to plan for and perform the tasks necessary to successfully integrate the component technologies that make up a Citrix virtualization solution in a Windows Server 2008 environment. Upon course completion, students will be able to interpret environmental assessment documentation, plan for a virtualization solution project and integrate key Citrix virtualization technologies, including XenAppTM, XenServerTM, and XenDesktopTM, to create a holistic, end-to-end virtualization solution that will address the most pressing business issues of the day. The extensive, highly hands-on curriculum includes exercises that allow students to demonstrate the advanced technical knowledge gained from the course. [-]
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5 dager 23 900 kr
This course provides students with the ability to successfully assess and design a XenDesktop 7 app and desktop solution based on the top key projects and architectures t... [+]
This course provides students with the ability to successfully assess and design a XenDesktop 7 app and desktop solution based on the top key projects and architectures that a majority of Citrix customers implement, across different industries and use cases. Students will have an opportunity to build a design for their organization and will have access to all of the tools and reference materials required to support their work. [-]
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