Du har valgt: IT kompetanse


42 treff i IT kompetanse

1 dag 9 500 kr
09 May
27 Jun
10 Oct
AZ-2005: Develop AI agents using Azure OpenAI and the Semantic Kernel SDK [+]
AZ-2005: Develop AI agents using Azure OpenAI and the Semantic Kernel SDK [-]
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Oslo 2 dager 16 900 kr
02 Jun
Modern Application Architecture [+]
Modern Application Architecture [-]
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4 dager 4 865 kr
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Modul Build består av de tradisjonelle, tekniske aspektene ved design, spesifikasjon, utvikling, testing, integrering og anvendelse av IT-systemer [+]
Kursinnhold• Systemutvikling, prosess og metode• Datahåndteringe og databaser  • Programmering• Brukergrensesnitt og webdesign   UndervisningsformKlasseromsundervisning med prosjektor hvor deltakerne får tildelt PC med nødvendig programvare installert. Praktisk trening med øvingsoppgaver for å aktivisere kunnskapen.   InstruktørerVi har erfarne instruktørene med høy kompetanse, lang erfaring og dyktige pedagogiske evner.   Målsetning Modul Build består av de tradisjonelle, tekniske aspektene ved design, spesifikasjon, utvikling, testing, integrering og anvendelse av IT-systemer. Det krever at kandidaten forstår systemutviklingens livssyklus, kjenner til den typiske utviklingsprosessen og er klar over de nyeste utviklingstrekk innen programvare. Kandidaten skal også kunne benytte relevante metoder og verktøy. Kandidaten skal kjenne til designprinsipper knyttet til brukergrensesnitt, websider og hypermedia, så vel som de som brukes i relasjonsdatabaser og datavarehus. Kandidaten vil også få en grunnleggende kunnskap om søkespråk og være oppmerksom på noen viktige databaseadministrasjonsproblemer. I tillegg skal kandidaten være i stand til å anvende typiske datastrukturer og algoritmer, gjenkjenne ulike programmeringsspråk og konstruksjoner, vurdere problemer med å opprettholde systemer, samt kjenne til dokumentasjon og testing av software systemer. [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 4 dager 24 500 kr
This course teaches Solutions Architects how to translate business requirements into secure, scalable, and reliable solutions. Lessons include design considerations relat... [+]
Recommend solutions to minimize costs Recommend a solution for Conditional Access, including multi-factor authentication Recommend a solution for a hybrid identity including Azure AD Connect and Azure AD Connect Recommend a solution for using Azure Policy Recommend a solution that includes KeyVault Recommend a solution that includes Azure AD Managed Identities Recommend a storage access solution Design and Azure Site Recovery solution Recommend a solution for autoscaling Recommend a solution for containers Recommend a solution for network security Recommend a solution for migrating applications and VMs Recommend a solution for migration of databases  Agenda Module 1: Design for Cost Optimization -Recommend Solutions for Cost Management-Recommended Viewpoints for Minimizing Costs Module 2: Design a Solution for Logging and Monitoring -Azure Monitoring Services-Azure Monitor Module 3: Design Authentication -Recommend a Solution for Multi-Factor Authentication-Recommend a Solution for Single-Sign On (SSO)-Five Steps for Securing Identity Infrastructure-Recommend a Solution for a Hybrid Identity-Recommend a Solution for B2B Integration Module 4: Design Authorization -Infrastructure Protection-Recommend a Hierarchical Structure for Management Groups, Subscriptions and Resource Groups Module 5: Design Governance -Recommend a Solution for using Azure Policy-Recommend a Solution for using Azure Blueprint Module 6: Design Security for Applications -Recommend a Solution using KeyVault-Recommend a Solution using Azure AD Managed Identities Module 7: Design a Solution for Databases Select an Appropriate Data Platform Based on RequirementsOverview of Azure Data StorageRecommend Database Service Tier SizingDynamically Scale Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Managed InstancesRecommend a Solution for Encrypting Data at Rest, Transmission, and In Use Module 8: Design Data Integration -Recommend a Data Flow-Recommend a Solution for Data Integration Module 9: Select an Appropriate Storage Account -Understanding Storage Tiers-Recommend a Storage Access Solution-Recommend Storage Management Tools Module 10: Design a Solution for Backup and Recovery -Recommend a Recovery Solution for Hybrid and On-Premises Workloads-Design and Azure Site Recovery Solution-Recommend a Solution for Recovery in Different Regions-Recommend a Solution for Azure Backup Management-Design a Solution for Data Archiving and Retention Module 11: Design for High Availability -Recommend a Solution for Application and Workload Redundancy-Recommend a Solution for Autoscaling-Identify Resources that Require High Availability-Identify Storage Tpes for High Availability-Recommend a Solution for Geo-Redundancy of Workloads Module 12: Design a Compute Solution -Recommend a Solution for Compute Provisioning-Determine Appropriate Compute Technologies-Recommend a Solution for Containers-Recommend a Solution for Automating Compute Management Module 13: Design a Network Solution -Recommend a Solution for Network Addressing and Name Resolution-Recommend a Solution for Network Provisioning-Recommend a Solution for Network Security-Recommend a Solution for iInternete Connectivity and On-Premises Networks,-Recommend a Solution for Automating Network Management-Recommend a Solution for Load Balancing and Rraffic Routing Module 14: Design an Application Architecture -Recommend a Microservices Architecture-Recommend an Orchestration Solution for Deployment of Applications-Recommend a Solution for API Integration Module 15: Design Migrations -Assess and On-Premises Servers and Applications for Migration-Recommend a Solution for Migrating Applications and VMs-Recommend a Solution for Migration of Databases [-]
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Oslo 5 dager 40 000 kr
31 Mar
11 Aug
11 Aug
CEH: Certified Ethical Hacker v13 [+]
CEH: Certified Ethical Hacker v13 [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 5 dager 28 500 kr
21 Apr
30 Jun
This course teaches developers how to create end-to-end solutions in Microsoft Azure. Students will learn how to implement Azure compute solutions, create Azure Functions... [+]
Agenda Module 1: Creating Azure App Service Web Apps -Azure App Service core concepts-Creating an Azure App Service Web App-Configuring and Monitoring App Service apps-Scaling App Service apps-Azure App Service staging environments Module 2: Implement Azure functions -Azure Functions overview-Developing Azure Functions-Implement Durable Functions Module 3: Develop solutions that use blob storage -Azure Blob storage core concepts-Managing the Azure Blob storage lifecycle-Working with Azure Blob storage Module 4: Develop solutions that use Cosmos DB storage -Azure Cosmos DB overview-Azure Cosmos DB data structure-Working with Azure Cosmos DB resources and data Module 5: Implement IaaS solutions -Provisioning VMs in Azure-Create and deploy ARM templates-Create container images for solutions-Publish a container image to Azure Container Registry-Create and run container images in Azure Container Instances Module 6: Implement user authentication and authorization -Microsoft Identity Platform v2.0-Authentication using the Microsoft Authentication Library-Using Microsoft Graph-Authorizing data operations in Azure Storage Module 7: Implement secure cloud solutions -Manage keys, secrets, and certificates by using the KeyVault API-Implement Managed Identities for Azure resources-Secure app configuration data by using Azure App Configuration Module 8: Implement API Management -API Management overview-Defining policies for APIs-Securing your APIs Module 9: Develop App Service Logic Apps -Azure Logic Apps overview-Creating custom connectors for Logic Apps Module 10: Develop event-based solutions -Implement solutions that use Azure Event Grid-Implement solutions that use Azure Event Hubs-Implement solutions that use Azure Notification Hubs Module 11: Develop message-based solutions -Implement solutions that use Azure Service Bus-Implement solutions that use Azure Queue Storage queues Module 12: Monitor and optimize Azure solutions -Overview of monitoring in Azure-Instrument an app for monitoring-Analyzing and troubleshooting apps-Implement code that handles transient faults Module 13: Integrate caching and content delivery within solutions -Develop for Azure Cache for Redis-Develop for storage on CDNs [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 3 dager 24 500 kr
14 Apr
16 Jun
In this course students will gain the knowledge and skills needed to implement security controls, maintain the security posture, and identify and remediate vulnerabilitie... [+]
Objectives Describe specialized data classifications on Azure Identify Azure data protection mechanisms Implement Azure data encryption methods Secure Internet protocols and how to implement them on Azure Describe Azure security services and features Agenda Module 1: Identity and Access -Configure Azure Active Directory for Azure workloads and subscriptions-Configure Azure AD Privileged Identity Management-Configure security for an Azure subscription Module 2: Platform Protection -Understand cloud security-Build a network-Secure network-Implement host security-Implement platform security-Implement subscription security Module 3: Security Operations -Configure security services-Configure security policies by using Azure Security Center-Manage security alerts-Respond to and remediate security issues-Create security baselines Module 4: Data and applications -Configure security policies to manage data-Configure security for data infrastructure-Configure encryption for data at rest-Understand application security-Implement security for application lifecycle-Secure applications-Configure and manage Azure Key Vault       [-]
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5 000 kr
5G Security [+]
5G Security [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 3 dager 23 650 kr
Due to the Coronavirus the course instructor is not able to come to Oslo. As an alternative we offer this course as a Blended Virtual Course. [+]
Blended Virtual Course The course is a hybrid of virtual training and self-study which will be a mixture of teaching using Microsoft Teams for short bursts at the beginning of the day, then setting work for the rest of the day and then coming back at the end of the day for another on-line session for any questions before setting homework in the form of practice exams for the evening. You do not have to install Microsoft Teams , you will receive a link and can access the course using the web browser.  Remote proctored examTake your exam from any location. Read about iSQI remote proctored exam here Requirements for the exam: The exam will be using Google Chrome and there is a plug-in that needs to be installed  You will need a laptop/PC with a camera and a microphone  A current ID with a picture  This 3-day course is aimed at anyone wishing to attain the ISTQB Advanced Test Automation Engineer qualification. This qualification builds upon the Foundation syllabus and provides essential skills for all those involved in test automation and who want to develop further their expertise in one or more specific areas. Bouvet sine kursdeltakeres testresultater vs ISTQB gjennomsnitt A Test Automation Engineer is one who has broad knowledge of testing in general, and an in-depth understanding in the special area of test automation. An in-depth understanding is defined as having sufficient knowledge of test automation theory and practice to be able to influence the direction that an organization and/or project takes when designing, developing and maintaining test automation solutions for functional tests. The modules offered at the Advanced Level Specialist cover a wide range of testing topics.   The course is highly practical addressing the following areas: Introduction and objectives for Test Automation This section provides an introduction to test automation explaining the objectives, advantages, disadvantages and limitations of test automation as well as technical success factors of a test automation project. Preparing for Test Automation Understanding the type of system is vital for determining the most appropriate automation solution and also how we can design systems and testing for more effective automation. This section also looks at how we can evaluate for the most appropriate tools. The generic Test Automation architecture A test automation engineer has the role of designing, developing, implementing, and maintaining test automation solutions. As each solution is developed, similar tasks need to be done, similar questions need to be answered, and similar issues need to be addressed and prioritized. These reoccurring concepts, steps, and approaches in automating testing become the basis of the generic test automation architecture, and this will be discussed in detail during this section Deployment risks and contingencies This section looks at the various risks associated with the deployment of test tools and how to avoid test automation failure. Test Automation reporting and metrics Providing information to stakeholders for them to make informed decisions about the quality of the software is a vital part of testing and this section looks at the various metrics that can be used to monitor test automation and what information should be supplied to the stakeholder and how it should be presented. Transitioning manual testing to an automated environment This section looks at the various criteria to apply to determine the suitability for automation and understanding the factors for transitioning from manual to automation testing Verifying the Test Automation solution To have justified confidence in the information we supply to the stakeholders regarding test automation we must have justified confidence in the test environment and test automation solution supporting the information Continuous improvement This section looks ahead and how we can improve the automation solution making it more effective and efficient The Exam The ISTQB Advanced Test Automation Engineer exam is a 1 hour 30 minute, 40 question multiple-choice exam totaling 75 points. The pass mark is 65% (49 out of 75). It is a pre-requisite that attendees hold the ISTQB Foundation Level certificate. [-]
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Nettstudie 1 semester 4 980 kr
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Utviklingsprosesser. Modellering. UML. Verktøy. Objektorientert analyse Objektorientert design. Bruk av arkitektoniske stiler og design mønstre. Implementasjon og test. [+]
Studieår: 2013-2014   Gjennomføring: Høst Antall studiepoeng: 5.0 Forutsetninger: Erfaring fra et objektorientert programmeringsspråk, kjennskap til prosjektarbeid Innleveringer: Innleverte øvinger. Det blir gitt 10 øvinger, 8 må være godkjent for å kunne gå opp til eksamen. Personlig veileder: ja Vurderingsform: 4 timer skriftlig eksamen. Ansvarlig: Tore Berg Hansen Eksamensdato: 12.12.13         Læremål: Forventet læringsutbytte:Etter å ha gjennomført emnet Objektorientert systemutvikling skal studenten ha følgende samlete læringsutbytte: KUNNSKAPER:Kandidaten:- kan definere, gjenkjenne og forklare de grunnleggende konsepter for utvikling av store programvaresystemer basert på det objektorienterte paradigme- argumentere for betydningen av å følge en prosessmodell- argumentere for fordelene med smidige prosesser- argumentere for modellbasert utvikling- beskrive modellene som brukes i objektorientert systemutvikling og hvordan de henger sammen- forklare begrepene arkitektoniske stiler og designmønstre FERDIGHETER:Kandidaten:- kan demonstrere den systematiske gangen fra krav, via arkitektonisk og detaljert design, til ferdig kodet og implementert system GENERELL KOMPETANSE:Kandidaten:- er klar over at utvikling av store programvaresystemer er ingeniørarbeid- er seg bevisst at utvikling av komplekse programvaresystemer krever koordinert innsats av et velfungerende team som følger en definert, smidig prosess- er opptatt av tett kontakt med alle interessenter for å oppnå et godt resultat Innhold:Utviklingsprosesser. Modellering. UML. Verktøy. Objektorientert analyse Objektorientert design. Bruk av arkitektoniske stiler og design mønstre. Implementasjon og test.Les mer om faget her Påmeldingsfrist: 25.08.13 / 25.01.14         Dette faget går: Høst 2013    Fag Objektorientert systemutvikling 4980,-         Semesteravgift og eksamenskostnader kommer i tillegg.    [-]
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1 dag 9 500 kr
11 Jun
AI-3002: Create document intelligence solutions with Azure AI Document Intelligence [+]
AI-3002: Create document intelligence solutions with Azure AI Document Intelligence [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 2 dager 15 000 kr
03 Apr
05 Jun
This course will provide foundational level knowledge of cloud services and how those services are provided with Microsoft Azure. The course can be taken as an optional f... [+]
The course will cover general cloud computing concepts as well as general cloud computing models and services such as Public, Private and Hybrid cloud and Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service(PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). It will also cover some core Azure services and solutions, as well as key Azure pillar services concerning security, privacy, compliance and trust. It will finally cover pricing and support services available.   Agenda Module 1: Cloud Concepts -Learning Objectives-Why Cloud Services?-Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)-Public, Private, and Hybrid cloud models Module 2: Core Azure Services -Core Azure architectural components-Core Azure Services and Products-Azure Solutions-Azure management tools Module 3: Security, Privacy, Compliance and Trust -Securing network connectivity in Azure-Core Azure Identity services-Security tools and features-Azure governance methodologies-Monitoring and Reporting in Azure-Privacy, Compliance and Data Protection standards in Azure Module 4: Azure Pricing and Support -Azure subscriptions-Planning and managing costs-Support options available with Azure-Service lifecycle in Azure [-]
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4 dager 25 000 kr
AI-102 Designing and Implementing an Azure AI Solution is intended for software developers wanting to build AI infused applications that leverage Azure Cognitive Services... [+]
TARGET AUDIENCE Software engineers concerned with building, managing and deploying AI solutions that leverage Azure Cognitive Services, Azure Cognitive Search, and Microsoft Bot Framework. They are familiar with C#, Python, or JavaScript and have knowledge on using REST-based APIs to build computer vision, language analysis, knowledge mining, intelligent search, and conversational AI solutions on Azure. COURSE OBJECTIVES After completing this course you should be able to: Describe considerations for creating AI-enabled applications Identify Azure services for AI application development Provision and consume cognitive services in Azure Manage cognitive services security Monitor cognitive services Use a cognitive services container Use the Text Analytics cognitive service to analyze text Use the Translator cognitive service to translate text Use the Speech cognitive service to recognize and synthesize speech Use the Speech cognitive service to translate speech Create a Language Understanding app Create a client application for Language Understanding Integrate Language Understanding and Speech Use QnA Maker to create a knowledge base Use a QnA knowledge base in an app or bot Use the Bot Framework SDK to create a bot Use the Bot Framework Composer to create a bot Use the Computer Vision service to analyze images Use Video Indexer to analyze videos Use the Custom Vision service to implement image classification Use the Custom Vision service to implement object detection Detect faces with the Computer Vision service Detect, analyze, and recognize faces with the Face service Use the Computer Vision service to read text in images and documents Use the Form Recognizer service to extract data from digital forms Create an intelligent search solution with Azure Cognitive Search Implement a custom skill in an Azure Cognitive Search enrichment pipeline Use Azure Cognitive Search to create a knowledge store   COURSE CONTENT Module 1: Introduction to AI on Azure Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly at the core of modern apps and services. In this module, you'll learn about some common AI capabilities that you can leverage in your apps, and how those capabilities are implemented in Microsoft Azure. You'll also learn about some considerations for designing and implementing AI solutions responsibly. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence in Azure Module 2: Developing AI Apps with Cognitive Services Cognitive Services are the core building blocks for integrating AI capabilities into your apps. In this module, you'll learn how to provision, secure, monitor, and deploy cognitive services. Getting Started with Cognitive Services Using Cognitive Services for Enterprise Applications Lab: Get Started with Cognitive Services Lab: Get Started with Cognitive Services Lab: Monitor Cognitive Services Lab: Use a Cognitive Services Container Module 3: Getting Started with Natural Language Processing  Natural Language processing (NLP) is a branch of artificial intelligence that deals with extracting insights from written or spoken language. In this module, you'll learn how to use cognitive services to analyze and translate text. Analyzing Text Translating Text Lab: Analyze Text Lab: Translate Text Module 4: Building Speech-Enabled Applications Many modern apps and services accept spoken input and can respond by synthesizing text. In this module, you'll continue your exploration of natural language processing capabilities by learning how to build speech-enabled applications. Speech Recognition and Synthesis Speech Translation Lab: Recognize and Synthesize Speech Lab: Translate Speech Module 5: Creating Language Understanding Solutions To build an application that can intelligently understand and respond to natural language input, you must define and train a model for language understanding. In this module, you'll learn how to use the Language Understanding service to create an app that can identify user intent from natural language input. Creating a Language Understanding App Publishing and Using a Language Understanding App Using Language Understanding with Speech Lab: Create a Language Understanding App Lab: Create a Language Understanding Client Application Use the Speech and Language Understanding Services Module 6: Building a QnA Solution One of the most common kinds of interaction between users and AI software agents is for users to submit questions in natural language, and for the AI agent to respond intelligently with an appropriate answer. In this module, you'll explore how the QnA Maker service enables the development of this kind of solution. Creating a QnA Knowledge Base Publishing and Using a QnA Knowledge Base Lab: Create a QnA Solution Module 7: Conversational AI and the Azure Bot Service Bots are the basis for an increasingly common kind of AI application in which users engage in conversations with AI agents, often as they would with a human agent. In this module, you'll explore the Microsoft Bot Framework and the Azure Bot Service, which together provide a platform for creating and delivering conversational experiences. Bot Basics Implementing a Conversational Bot Lab: Create a Bot with the Bot Framework SDK Lab: Create a Bot with a Bot Freamwork Composer Module 8: Getting Started with Computer Vision Computer vision is an area of artificial intelligence in which software applications interpret visual input from images or video. In this module, you'll start your exploration of computer vision by learning how to use cognitive services to analyze images and video. Analyzing Images Analyzing Videos Lab: Analyse Images with Computer Vision Lab: Analyze Images with Video Indexer Module 9: Developing Custom Vision Solutions While there are many scenarios where pre-defined general computer vision capabilities can be useful, sometimes you need to train a custom model with your own visual data. In this module, you'll explore the Custom Vision service, and how to use it to create custom image classification and object detection models. Image Classification Object Detection Lab: Classify Images with Custom Vision Lab: Detect Objects in Images with Custom Vision Module 10: Detecting, Analyzing, and Recognizing Faces Facial detection, analysis, and recognition are common computer vision scenarios. In this module, you'll explore the user of cognitive services to identify human faces. Detecting Faces with the Computer Vision Service Using the Face Service Lab:Destect, Analyze and Recognize Faces Module 11: Reading Text in Images and Documents Optical character recognition (OCR) is another common computer vision scenario, in which software extracts text from images or documents. In this module, you'll explore cognitive services that can be used to detect and read text in images, documents, and forms. Reading text with the Computer Vision Service Extracting Information from Forms with the Form Recognizer service Lab: Read Text in IMages Lab: Extract Data from Forms Module 12: Creating a Knowledge Mining Solution Ultimately, many AI scenarios involve intelligently searching for information based on user queries. AI-powered knowledge mining is an increasingly important way to build intelligent search solutions that use AI to extract insights from large repositories of digital data and enable users to find and analyze those insights. Implementing an Intelligent Search Solution Developing Custom Skills for an Enrichment Pipeline Creating a Knowledge Store Lab: Create and Azure Cognitive Search Solution Create a Custom Skill for Azure Cognitive Search Create a Knowledge Store with Azure Cognitive Search   TEST CERTIFICATION Recommended as preparation for the following exams: AI-102 - Designing and Implementing a Microsoft Azure AI Solution - Part of the requirements for the Microsoft Certified Azure AI Engineer Associate Certification.   HVORFOR VELGE SG PARTNER AS:  Flest kurs med Startgaranti Rimeligste kurs Beste service og personlig oppfølgning Tilgang til opptak etter endt kurs Partner med flere av verdens beste kursleverandører [-]
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Bedriftsintern 1 dag 7 500 kr
Data science og maskinlæring er blitt en viktig drivkraft bak mange forretnings beslutninger. Men fortsatt er mange usikre på hva begrepene innebærer og hvilke muligheter... [+]
Dette kurset tilbys som bedriftsinternt kurs   Maskinlæring handler om sette datamaskiner i stand til å lære fra og utvikle atferd basert på data. Det vil si at en datamaskin kan løse en oppgave den ikke er eksplisitt programmert for å håndtere. I stedet er den i stand til å automatisk lære gjenkjenning av komplekse mønstre i data og gjøre beslutninger basert på dette disse. Maskinlæring gir store muligheter, men mange bedrifter har problemer med å ta teknologien i bruk. Nøyaktig hvilke oppgaver kan maskinlæring utføre, og hvordan kommer man i gang? Dette kurset gir oversikt over mulighetene som ligger i maskinlæring, og hvordan i tillegg til kunnskap om hvordan teknologien kan løse oppgaver og skape resultater i praksis. Hva er maskinlæring, datavitenskap og kunstig intelligens og hvordan det er relatert til statistikk og dataanalyse? Hvordan å utvinne kunnskap fra dataene dine? Hva betyr Big data og hvordan analyseres det? Hvor og hvordan skal du bruke maskinlæring til dine daglige forretningsproblemer? Hvordan bruke datamønstre til å ta avgjørelser og spådommer med eksempler fra den virkelige verden? Hvilke typer forretningsproblemer kan en maskinen lære å håndtere Muligheter som maskinlæring gir din bedrift Hva er de teoretiske aspekter på metoder innen maskinlæring? Hvilke ML-metoder som er relevante for ulike problemstillinger innen dataanalyse? Hvordan evaluere styrker og svakheter mellom disse algoritmene og velge den beste? Anvendt data science og konkrete kunde eksempler i praksis   Målsetning Kurset gir kunnskap om hvordan maskinlæring kan løse et bestemt problem og hvilke metoder som egner seg i en gitt situasjon. Du blir i stand til å kan skaffe deg innsikt i data, og vil kunne identifisere egenskapene som representerer dem best. Du kjenner de viktigste maskinlæringsalgoritmene og hvilke metoder som evaluerer ytelsen deres best. Dette gir grunnlag for kontinuerlig forbedring av løsninger basert på maskinlæring.   [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 5 dager 28 500 kr
This course teaches Solutions Architects how to translate business requirements into secure, scalable, and reliable solutions. Lessons include virtualization, automation,... [+]
Agenda Module 1: Implement VMs for Windows and Linux -Select Virtual Machine Size-Configure High Availability-Implement Azure Dedicated Hosts-Deploy and Configure Scale Sets-Configure Azure Disk Encryption Module 2: Automate Deployment and Configuration of Resources -Azure Resource Manager Templates-Save a Template for a VM-Evaluate Location of New Resources-Configure a Virtual Hard Disk Template-Deploy from a Template-Create and Execute an Automation Runbook Module 3: Implement Virtual Networking -Virtual Network Peering-Implement VNet Peering Module 4: Implement Load Balancing and Network Security -Implement Azure Load Balancer-Implement an Application Gateway-Understand Web Application Firewall-Implement Azure Firewall-Implement Azure Front Door-Implementing Azure Traffice Manager-Implement Network Security Groups and Application Security Grou-Implement Azure Bastion Module 5: Implement Storage Accounts -Storage Accounts-Blob Storage-Storage Security-Managing Storage-Accessing Blobs and Queues using AAD-Configure Azure Storage Firewalls and Virtual Networks Module 6: Implement Azure Active Directory -Overview of Azure Active Directory-Users and Groups-Domains and Custom Domains-Azure AD Identity Protection-Implement Conditional Access-Configure Fraud Alerts for MFA-Implement Bypass Options-Configure Trusted IPs-Configure Guest Users in Azure AD-Manage Multiple Directori Module 7: Implement and Manage Azure Governance -Create Management Groups, Subscriptions, and Resource Groups-Overview of Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)-Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Roles-Azure AD Access Reviews-Implement and Configure an Azure Policy-Azure Blueprints Module 8: Implement and Manage Hybrid Identities -Install and Configure Azure AD Connect-Configure Password Sync and Password Writeback-Configure Azure AD Connect Health Module 9: Manage Workloads in Azure -Migrate Workloads using Azure Migrate-VMware - Agentless Migration-VMware - Agent-Based Migration-Implement Azure Backup-Azure to Azure Site Recovery-Implement Azure Update Management Module 10: Implement Cloud Infrastructure Monitoring -Azure Infrastructure Security Monitoring-Azure Monitor-Azure Workbooks-Azure Alerts-Log Analytics-Network Watcher-Azure Service Health-Monitor Azure Costs-Azure Application Insights-Unified Monitoring in Azure Module 11: Manage Security for Applications -Azure Key Vault-Azure Managed Identity Module 12: Implement an Application Infrastructure -Create and Configure Azure App Service-Create an App Service Web App for Containers-Create and Configure an App Service Plan-Configure Networking for an App Service-Create and Manage Deployment Slots-Implement Logic Apps-Implement Azure Functions Module 13: Implement Container-Based Applications -Azure Container Instances-Configure Azure Kubernetes Service Module 14: Implement NoSQL Databases -Configure Storage Account Tables-Select Appropriate CosmosDB APIs Module 15: Implement Azure SQL Databases -Configure Azure SQL Database Settings-Implement Azure SQL Database Managed Instances-High-Availability and Azure SQL Database [-]
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