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Mer enn 100 treff i IT-kurs

3 dager 1 500 kr
PowerPoint 2010 er et presentasjonsprogram som brukes når vi skal vise fram data – enten det er tekst, bilder, tall eller tegninger. [+]
PowerPoint 2010 er et presentasjonsprogram som brukes når vi skal vise fram data – enten det er tekst, bilder, tall eller tegninger. Programmet kan brukes til å lage lysark som skrives ut, eller vi kan vise presentasjonen ved hjelp av PC + videokanon. På kurset vil grunnleggende funksjoner vektlegges, men vi vil og se på hvordan en bygger opp og setter sammen en presentasjon. Forkunnskaper: Du må ha kunnskaper tilsvarende PC-begynnerkurs. Brukere av Powerpoint 2007 kan og følge dette kurset. [-]
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Nettstudie 12 måneder 5 000 kr
Learn to maximise the number of successful service and product changes by ensuring that risks have been accurately assessed, authorising changes, and managing change sche... [+]
Understand the purpose and key concepts of Change Enablement, highlighting its importance in managing changes effectively to minimise risk and ensure business continuity.   This eLearning is: Interactive Self-paced   Device-friendly   2-3 hours of content   Mobile-optimised   Exam: 20 questions Multiple choise 30 minutes Closed book Minimum required score to pass: 65% [-]
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Oslo 1 dag 9 500 kr
28 Mar
09 May
09 May
Develop dynamic reports with Microsoft Power BI [+]
Develop dynamic reports with Microsoft Power BI [-]
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Nettstudie 12 måneder 12 000 kr
A combined module that covers the key concepts of 5 ITIL Practices: Incident Management, Service Desk, Service Request Management, Monitoring and Event Management and Pro... [+]
Understand the purpose and key concepts of the Monitor, Support, and Fulfil practices, elucidating their importance in maintaining, supporting, and delivering IT services effectively.InteractiveOur eLearning:Self-pacedDevice-friendly12 hour contentMobile-optimised Exam:60 questionsMultiple Choice90 minutesClosed bookMinimum required score to pass: 65%  [-]
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12 måneder 12 000 kr
A combined module that covers the key concepts of 5 key ITIL practices: Change Enablement, Deployment Management, Release Management, Service Configuration Management, an... [+]
Understand the purpose and key concepts of the Plan, Implement, and Control practices, highlighting their importance in establishing, executing, and governing IT service strategies effectively. This eLearning is: Interactive Self-paced Device-friendly 2-3 hours content Mobile-optimised Practical exercises   Exam: 60 questions Multiple Choice 90 Minutes Closed book Pass Mark: 65% [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 3 dager 17 500 kr
18 Mar
3-dagers virtuellt instruktør-ledet kurs som fører frem til ITIL Foundation sertifisering. [+]
Sopra Steria Akademiet er en del av Sopra Steria, og tilbyr kurs og opplæring innen: IT Service Management Prosjekt- og programstyring It-styring og kontroll Våre instruktører jobber til daglig som rådgivere innen disse områdene i Sopra Steria.  ITIL® 4 er det mest utbredte og anerkjente rammeverket for IT Service Management (ITSM) i verden, og ITIL® 4 Foundation er et introduksjonskurs til rammeverket. ITIL® 4 Foundation-sertifiseringen er designet som en introduksjon til ITIL® 4 og gjør det mulig for kandidater å se på IT-tjenestestyring gjennom en ende-til-ende-driftsmodell for oppretting, levering og kontinuerlig forbedring av teknisk aktiverte produkter og tjenester.Kurset avsluttes med en sertifiseringstest som gjennomføres etter at kurset er fullført. Sertifiseringen gjøres via en online-basert tjeneste via vår partner PeopleCert. Man velger selv tidspunkt for sertifiseringen. Kurset inkluderer: Kursdokumentasjon, sertifiseringstest og lunsj ved fysisk oppmøte   Kurset varer i 3 dager. Dag 1 og 2: 09:00-16:00. Dag 3: 09:00-13:00 Vi stiller med erfarne norske instruktører. Kursmateriell og eksamen er på engelsk. Eksamen varer i 75 minutter.  Det bør beregnes 6 timer til selvstudium. Du kan lese mere om ITIL her ITIL®/PRINCE2®/MSP®/MoP® are registered trademarks of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved. [-]
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Nettkurs 40 minutter 7 000 kr
MoP®, er et rammeverk og en veiledning for styring av prosjekter og programmer i en portefølje. Sertifiseringen MoP Foundation gir deg en innføring i porteføljestyring me... [+]
Du vil få tilsendt en «Core guidance» bok og sertifiserings-voucher i en e-post fra Peoplecert. Denne vil være gyldig i ett år. Tid for sertifiseringstest avtales som beskrevet i e-post med voucher. Eksamen overvåkes av en web-basert eksamensvakt.   Eksamen er på engelsk. Eksamensformen er multiple choice 50 spørsmål skal besvares, og du består ved 50% korrekte svar (dvs 25 av 50 spørsmål). Deltakerne har 40 minutter til rådighet på eksamen.  Ingen hjelpemidler er tillatt.     [-]
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Nettstudie 12 måneder 5 000 kr
Learn to deliver an agreed quality of service by handling all predefined, user-initiated service requests in an effective and user-friendly manner. [+]
Understand the purpose and key concepts of the Continual Improvement Practice, elucidating its significance in fostering a culture of ongoing improvement and innovation within the organisation. This eLearning is: Interactive Self-paced   Device-friendly   2-3 hours content   Mobile-optimised   Practical exercises   Exam: 20 questions Multiple choise 30 minutes Closed book Minimum required score to pass: 65% [-]
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Nettkurs 12 måneder 12 000 kr
ITIL® 4 Specialist: Drive Stakeholder Value dekker alle typer engasjement og interaksjon mellom en tjenesteleverandør og deres kunder, brukere, leverandører og partnere. [+]
Kurset fokuserer på konvertering av etterspørsel til verdi via IT-relaterte tjenester. Modulen dekker sentrale emner som SLA-design, styring av flere leverandører, kommunikasjon, relasjonsstyring, CX- og UX-design, kartlegging av kunder og mer. E-læringskurset inneholder 18 timer med undervisning, og er delt inn i 8 moduler. Les mer om ITIL® 4 på  AXELOS sine websider. Du vil motta en e-post med tilgang til e-læringen, sertifiseringsvoucher og digital bok fra Peoplecert. Du avtaler tid for sertifiseringen som beskrevet i e-posten fra Peoplecert. [-]
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3 dager 6 490 kr
På forespørsel
Etter kurset vil deltakerene ha dyp innsikt i alle mulighetene med Adobe Flash 9, og utvikle avanserte interaktive og dynamiske websider / applikasjoner i flash [+]
Kursinnhold• Action Script 2.0/ 3.0• Kontrollere og manipulere objecter via actionscript.• Bruk av actionscript. Variabler, arrays, if else, loops, event handlers, funksjoner ++.• Scriptet animasjon.• Tekst. Bruk av dynamisk og input tekst felt. Embedded fonts.• Innlasting av tekst fra txt fil og xml fil.• Utvikling av en flash applikasjon.     UndervisningsformKlasseromsundervisning med prosjektor med maks 15 deltakere som hver får tildelt en PC med Adobe Flash 9 installert. Praktisk trening med øvingsoppgaver for å aktivisere kunnskapen.   InstruktørerVi har noen av de beste flash instruktørene i landet med høy kompetanse, lang erfaring og dyktige pedagogikiske evner.   MålsetningEtter kurset vil deltakerene ha dyp innsikt i alle mulighetene med Adobe Flash 9, og utvikle avanserte interaktive og dynamiske websider / applikasjoner i flash [-]
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Virtuelt eller personlig Hele landet 1 dag 5 950 kr
02 Jun
Gir alle deltakere i et prosjekt innsyn til å oppdatere data uansett programvare, tid og sted. [+]
  Fleksible kurs for fremtidenNy kunnskap skal gi umiddelbar effekt, og samtidig være holdbar og bærekraftig på lang sikt. NTI AS har 30 års erfaring innen kurs og kompetanseheving, og utdanner årlig rundt 10.000 personer i Nord Europa innen CAD, BIM, industri, design og konstruksjon.   Navisworks grunnkurs   Her er et utvalg av temaene du vil lære på kurset: forstå hvordan tverrfaglige modeller settes sammen analysere modellen gjennom visualisering og navigering håndtering av objekter sette inn målsetting legg inn snitt finne informasjon på objektene Navisworks håndterer et stort antall filformater og det er viktig å forstå hvordan tverrfaglige modeller settes sammen slik at dette muligjør analyse av modellen gjennom visualisering, navigering, håndtering av objekter, sette inn målsetting, legge inn snitt og finne informasjon på objektene.   Tilpassete kurs for bedrifterVi vil at kundene våre skal være best på det de gjør - hele tiden.  Derfor tenker vi langsiktig om kompetanseutvikling og ser regelmessig kunnskapsløft som en naturlig del av en virksomhet. Vårt kurskonsept bygger på et moderne sett av ulike læringsmiljøer, som gjør det enkelt å finne riktig løsning uansett behov. Ta kontakt med oss på telefon 483 12 300, epost: eller les mer på [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 4 dager 22 000 kr
Learn how to investigate, respond to, and hunt for threats using Microsoft Azure Sentinel, Azure Defender, and Microsoft 365 Defender. [+]
COURSE OVERVIEW Learn how to investigate, respond to, and hunt for threats using Microsoft Azure Sentinel, Azure Defender, and Microsoft 365 Defender. In this course you will learn how to mitigate cyberthreats using these technologies. Specifically, you will configure and use Azure Sentinel as well as utilize Kusto Query Language (KQL) to perform detection, analysis, and reporting. The course was designed for people who work in a Security Operations job role and helps learners prepare for the exam SC-200: Microsoft Security Operations Analyst. TARGET AUDIENCE The Microsoft Security Operations Analyst collaborates with organizational stakeholders to secure information technology systems for the organization. Their goal is to reduce organizational risk by rapidly remediating active attacks in the environment, advising on improvements to threat protection practices, and referring violations of organizational policies to appropriate stakeholders. Responsibilities include threat management, monitoring, and response by using a variety of security solutions across their environment. The role primarily investigates, responds to, and hunts for threats using Microsoft Azure Sentinel, Azure Defender, Microsoft 365 Defender, and third-party security products. Since the Security Operations Analyst consumes the operational output of these tools, they are also a critical stakeholder in the configuration and deployment of these technologies. COURSE OBJECTIVES Explain how Microsoft Defender for Endpoint can remediate risks in your environment Create a Microsoft Defender for Endpoint environment Configure Attack Surface Reduction rules on Windows 10 devices Perform actions on a device using Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Investigate domains and IP addresses in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Investigate user accounts in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Configure alert settings in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Explain how the threat landscape is evolving Conduct advanced hunting in Microsoft 365 Defender Manage incidents in Microsoft 365 Defender Explain how Microsoft Defender for Identity can remediate risks in your environment. Investigate DLP alerts in Microsoft Cloud App Security Explain the types of actions you can take on an insider risk management case. Configure auto-provisioning in Azure Defender Remediate alerts in Azure Defender Construct KQL statements Filter searches based on event time, severity, domain, and other relevant data using KQL Extract data from unstructured string fields using KQL Manage an Azure Sentinel workspace Use KQL to access the watchlist in Azure Sentinel Manage threat indicators in Azure Sentinel Explain the Common Event Format and Syslog connector differences in Azure Sentinel Connect Azure Windows Virtual Machines to Azure Sentinel Configure Log Analytics agent to collect Sysmon events Create new analytics rules and queries using the analytics rule wizard Create a playbook to automate an incident response Use queries to hunt for threats Observe threats over time with livestream COURSE CONTENT Module 1: Mitigate threats using Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Implement the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint platform to detect, investigate, and respond to advanced threats. Learn how Microsoft Defender for Endpoint can help your organization stay secure. Learn how to deploy the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint environment, including onboarding devices and configuring security. Learn how to investigate incidents and alerts using Microsoft Defender for Endpoints. Perform advanced hunting and consult with threat experts. You will also learn how to configure automation in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint by managing environmental settings.. Lastly, you will learn about your environment's weaknesses by using Threat and Vulnerability Management in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. Lessons M1 Protect against threats with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Deploy the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint environment Implement Windows 10 security enhancements with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Manage alerts and incidents in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Perform device investigations in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Perform actions on a device using Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Perform evidence and entities investigations using Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Configure and manage automation using Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Configure for alerts and detections in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Utilize Threat and Vulnerability Management in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Lab M1: Mitigate threats using Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Deploy Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Mitigate Attacks using Defender for Endpoint After completing module 1, students will be able to: Define the capabilities of Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Configure Microsoft Defender for Endpoint environment settings Configure Attack Surface Reduction rules on Windows 10 devices Investigate alerts in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Describe device forensics information collected by Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Conduct forensics data collection using Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Investigate user accounts in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Manage automation settings in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Manage indicators in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Describe Threat and Vulnerability Management in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Module 2: Mitigate threats using Microsoft 365 Defender Analyze threat data across domains and rapidly remediate threats with built-in orchestration and automation in Microsoft 365 Defender. Learn about cybersecurity threats and how the new threat protection tools from Microsoft protect your organization’s users, devices, and data. Use the advanced detection and remediation of identity-based threats to protect your Azure Active Directory identities and applications from compromise. Lessons M2 Introduction to threat protection with Microsoft 365 Mitigate incidents using Microsoft 365 Defender Protect your identities with Azure AD Identity Protection Remediate risks with Microsoft Defender for Office 365 Safeguard your environment with Microsoft Defender for Identity Secure your cloud apps and services with Microsoft Cloud App Security Respond to data loss prevention alerts using Microsoft 365 Manage insider risk in Microsoft 365 Lab M2: Mitigate threats using Microsoft 365 Defender Mitigate Attacks with Microsoft 365 Defender After completing module 2, students will be able to: Explain how the threat landscape is evolving. Manage incidents in Microsoft 365 Defender Conduct advanced hunting in Microsoft 365 Defender Describe the investigation and remediation features of Azure Active Directory Identity Protection. Define the capabilities of Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. Explain how Microsoft Defender for Endpoint can remediate risks in your environment. Define the Cloud App Security framework Explain how Cloud Discovery helps you see what's going on in your organization Module 3: Mitigate threats using Azure Defender Use Azure Defender integrated with Azure Security Center, for Azure, hybrid cloud, and on-premises workload protection and security. Learn the purpose of Azure Defender, Azure Defender's relationship to Azure Security Center, and how to enable Azure Defender. You will also learn about the protections and detections provided by Azure Defender for each cloud workload. Learn how you can add Azure Defender capabilities to your hybrid environment. Lessons M3 Plan for cloud workload protections using Azure Defender Explain cloud workload protections in Azure Defender Connect Azure assets to Azure Defender Connect non-Azure resources to Azure Defender Remediate security alerts using Azure Defender Lab M3: Mitigate threats using Azure Defender Deploy Azure Defender Mitigate Attacks with Azure Defender After completing module 3, students will be able to: Describe Azure Defender features Explain Azure Security Center features Explain which workloads are protected by Azure Defender Explain how Azure Defender protections function Configure auto-provisioning in Azure Defender Describe manual provisioning in Azure Defender Connect non-Azure machines to Azure Defender Describe alerts in Azure Defender Remediate alerts in Azure Defender Automate responses in Azure Defender Module 4: Create queries for Azure Sentinel using Kusto Query Language (KQL) Write Kusto Query Language (KQL) statements to query log data to perform detections, analysis, and reporting in Azure Sentinel. This module will focus on the most used operators. The example KQL statements will showcase security related table queries. KQL is the query language used to perform analysis on data to create analytics, workbooks, and perform hunting in Azure Sentinel. Learn how basic KQL statement structure provides the foundation to build more complex statements. Learn how to summarize and visualize data with a KQL statement provides the foundation to build detections in Azure Sentinel. Learn how to use the Kusto Query Language (KQL) to manipulate string data ingested from log sources. Lessons M4 Construct KQL statements for Azure Sentinel Analyze query results using KQL Build multi-table statements using KQL Work with data in Azure Sentinel using Kusto Query Language Lab M4: Create queries for Azure Sentinel using Kusto Query Language (KQL) Construct Basic KQL Statements Analyze query results using KQL Build multi-table statements using KQL Work with string data using KQL statements After completing module 4, students will be able to: Construct KQL statements Search log files for security events using KQL Filter searches based on event time, severity, domain, and other relevant data using KQL Summarize data using KQL statements Render visualizations using KQL statements Extract data from unstructured string fields using KQL Extract data from structured string data using KQL Create Functions using KQL Module 5: Configure your Azure Sentinel environment Get started with Azure Sentinel by properly configuring the Azure Sentinel workspace. Traditional security information and event management (SIEM) systems typically take a long time to set up and configure. They're also not necessarily designed with cloud workloads in mind. Azure Sentinel enables you to start getting valuable security insights from your cloud and on-premises data quickly. This module helps you get started. Learn about the architecture of Azure Sentinel workspaces to ensure you configure your system to meet your organization's security operations requirements. As a Security Operations Analyst, you must understand the tables, fields, and data ingested in your workspace. Learn how to query the most used data tables in Azure Sentinel. Lessons M5 Introduction to Azure Sentinel Create and manage Azure Sentinel workspaces Query logs in Azure Sentinel Use watchlists in Azure Sentinel Utilize threat intelligence in Azure Sentinel Lab M5 : Configure your Azure Sentinel environment Create an Azure Sentinel Workspace Create a Watchlist Create a Threat Indicator After completing module 5, students will be able to: Identify the various components and functionality of Azure Sentinel. Identify use cases where Azure Sentinel would be a good solution. Describe Azure Sentinel workspace architecture Install Azure Sentinel workspace Manage an Azure Sentinel workspace Create a watchlist in Azure Sentinel Use KQL to access the watchlist in Azure Sentinel Manage threat indicators in Azure Sentinel Use KQL to access threat indicators in Azure Sentinel Module 6: Connect logs to Azure Sentinel Connect data at cloud scale across all users, devices, applications, and infrastructure, both on-premises and in multiple clouds to Azure Sentinel. The primary approach to connect log data is using the Azure Sentinel provided data connectors. This module provides an overview of the available data connectors. You will get to learn about the configuration options and data provided by Azure Sentinel connectors for Microsoft 365 Defender. Lessons M6 Connect data to Azure Sentinel using data connectors Connect Microsoft services to Azure Sentinel Connect Microsoft 365 Defender to Azure Sentinel Connect Windows hosts to Azure Sentinel Connect Common Event Format logs to Azure Sentinel Connect syslog data sources to Azure Sentinel Connect threat indicators to Azure Sentinel Lab M6: Connect logs to Azure Sentinel Connect Microsoft services to Azure Sentinel Connect Windows hosts to Azure Sentinel Connect Linux hosts to Azure Sentinel Connect Threat intelligence to Azure Sentinel After completing module 6, students will be able to: Explain the use of data connectors in Azure Sentinel Explain the Common Event Format and Syslog connector differences in Azure Sentinel Connect Microsoft service connectors Explain how connectors auto-create incidents in Azure Sentinel Activate the Microsoft 365 Defender connector in Azure Sentinel Connect Azure Windows Virtual Machines to Azure Sentinel Connect non-Azure Windows hosts to Azure Sentinel Configure Log Analytics agent to collect Sysmon events Explain the Common Event Format connector deployment options in Azure Sentinel Configure the TAXII connector in Azure Sentinel View threat indicators in Azure Sentinel Module 7: Create detections and perform investigations using Azure Sentinel Detect previously uncovered threats and rapidly remediate threats with built-in orchestration and automation in Azure Sentinel. You will learn how to create Azure Sentinel playbooks to respond to security threats. You'll investigate Azure Sentinel incident management, learn about Azure Sentinel events and entities, and discover ways to resolve incidents. You will also learn how to query, visualize, and monitor data in Azure Sentinel. Lessons M7 Threat detection with Azure Sentinel analytics Threat response with Azure Sentinel playbooks Security incident management in Azure Sentinel Use entity behavior analytics in Azure Sentinel Query, visualize, and monitor data in Azure Sentinel Lab M7: Create detections and perform investigations using Azure Sentinel Create Analytical Rules Model Attacks to Define Rule Logic Mitigate Attacks using Azure Sentinel Create Workbooks in Azure Sentinel After completing module 7, students will be able to: Explain the importance of Azure Sentinel Analytics. Create rules from templates. Manage rules with modifications. Explain Azure Sentinel SOAR capabilities. Create a playbook to automate an incident response. Investigate and manage incident resolution. Explain User and Entity Behavior Analytics in Azure Sentinel Explore entities in Azure Sentinel Visualize security data using Azure Sentinel Workbooks. Module 8: Perform threat hunting in Azure Sentinel In this module, you'll learn to proactively identify threat behaviors by using Azure Sentinel queries. You'll also learn to use bookmarks and livestream to hunt threats. You will also learn how to use notebooks in Azure Sentinel for advanced hunting. Lessons M8 Threat hunting with Azure Sentinel Hunt for threats using notebooks in Azure Sentinel Lab M8 : Threat hunting in Azure Sentinel Threat Hunting in Azure Sentinel Threat Hunting using Notebooks After completing this module, students will be able to: Describe threat hunting concepts for use with Azure Sentinel Define a threat hunting hypothesis for use in Azure Sentinel Use queries to hunt for threats. Observe threats over time with livestream. Explore API libraries for advanced threat hunting in Azure Sentinel Create and use notebooks in Azure Sentinel [-]
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Oslo 2 dager 14 000 kr
18 Mar
18 Mar
26 May
MB-910: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals (CRM) [+]
MB-910: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals (CRM) [-]
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Oslo Bergen Og 1 annet sted 1 dag 6 900 kr
10 Mar
10 Mar
31 Mar
Kom i gang med Power BI [+]
Kom i gang med Power BI [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 5 dager 35 000 kr
The Implementing Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure course show you how to deploy and manage the Cisco® Nexus® 9000 Series Switches in Cisco Application Centric Inf... [+]
COURSE OVERVIEW ou will learn how to configure and manage Cisco Nexus 9000 Series Switches in ACI mode, how to connect the Cisco ACI fabric to external networks and services, and fundamentals of Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) integration. You will gain hands-on practice implementing key capabilities such as fabric discovery, policies, connectivity, VMM integration, and more. This course is based on ACI Software v5.2 release.   This course helps you prepare to take the exam, Implementing Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure(300-620 DCACI), which leads to CCNP® Data Center and Cisco Certified Specialist – Data Center ACI Implementation certifications. TARGET AUDIENCE Individuals who need to understand how to configure and manage a data center network environment with the Cisco Nexus 9000 Switch operating in ACI Mode.   COURSE OBJECTIVES After completing this course, you should be able to: Describe Cisco ACI Fabric Infrastructure and basic Cisco ACI concepts Describe Cisco ACI policy model logical constructs Describe Cisco ACI basic packet forwarding Describe external network connectivity Describe VMM Integration Describe Layer 4 to Layer 7 integrations Explain Cisco ACI management features COURSE CONTENT Introducing Cisco ACI Fabric Infrastructure and Basic Concepts What Is Cisco ACI? Cisco ACI Topology and Hardware Cisco ACI Object Model Faults, Event Record, and Audit Log Cisco ACI Fabric Discovery Cisco ACI Access Policies Describing Cisco ACI Policy Model Logical Constructs Cisco ACI Logical Constructs Tenant Virtual Routing and Forwarding Bridge Domain Endpoint Group Application Profile Tenant Components Review Adding Bare-Metal Servers to Endpoint Groups Contracts Describing Cisco ACI Basic Packet Forwarding Endpoint Learning Basic Bridge Domain Configuration **** Introducing External Network Connectivity Cisco ACI External Connectivity Options External Layer 2 Network Connectivity External Layer 3 Network Connectivity Introducing VMM Integration VMware vCenter VDS Integration Resolution Immediacy in VMM Alternative VMM Integrations Describing Layer 4 to Layer 7 Integrations Service Appliance Insertion Without ACI L4-L7 Service Graph Service Appliance Insertion via ACI L4-L7 Service Graph Service Graph Configuration Workflow Service Graph PBR Introduction Explaining Cisco ACI Management Out-of-Band Management In-Band Management Syslog Simple Network Management Protocol Configuration Backup Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting Role-Based Access Control Cisco ACI Upgrade Collect Tech Support Labs Validate Fabric Discovery Configure Network Time Protocol (NTP) Create Access Policies and Virtual Port Channel (vPC) Enable Layer 2 Connectivity in the Same Endpoint Group (EPG) Enable Inter-EPG Layer 2 Connectivity Enable Inter-EPG Layer 3 Connectivity Compare Traffic Forwarding Methods in a Bridge Domain Configure External Layer 2 (L2Out) Connection Configure External Layer 3 (L3Out) Connection Integrate Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) With VMware vCenter Using VMware Distributed Virtual Switch (DVS) TEST CERTIFICATION Recommended as preparation for the following exams: 300-620 DCACI - Implementing Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure [-]
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