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67 treff i IT strategi

Nettstudie 12 måneder 12 000 kr
A combined module that covers the key concepts of 5 ITIL Practices: Incident Management, Service Desk, Service Request Management, Monitoring and Event Management and Pro... [+]
Understand the purpose and key concepts of the Monitor, Support, and Fulfil practices, elucidating their importance in maintaining, supporting, and delivering IT services effectively.InteractiveOur eLearning:Self-pacedDevice-friendly12 hour contentMobile-optimised Exam:60 questionsMultiple Choice90 minutesClosed bookMinimum required score to pass: 65%  [-]
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Nettstudie 12 måneder 5 000 kr
Learn best practices for making new and changed services available for use, in line with your organisation's policies and any agreements between the organisation and its ... [+]
Understand the purpose and key concepts of Release Management, elucidating its significance in planning, scheduling, and controlling the build, test, and deployment of releases to ensure they deliver the expected outcomes. The eLearning course: Interactive Self-paced Device-friendly 2-3 hour content Mobile-optimised Practical exercises   Exam:   20 questions Multiple choise Closed book 30 minutes Minimum required score to pass: 65% [-]
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Nettstudie 12 måneder 5 000 kr
Learn how to move new or changed hardware, software, documentation, processes, or any other component to live environments, and how to deploy components to other environm... [+]
Understand the purpose and key concepts of Deployment Management, highlighting its importance in managing the deployment of new or changed services into the live environment. This eLearning is: Interactive Self-paced   Device-friendly   2-3 hours of content   Mobile-optimised   Exam: 20 questions Multiple choise 30 minutes Closed book Minimum required score to pass: 65% [-]
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Nettstudie 12 måneder 5 000 kr
Learn how to improve user and customer experience, as well as the overall success of your service relationships. [+]
Understand the purpose and key concepts of the Service Desk practice, including how it serves as the central point of contact between the service provider and the users, facilitating effective communication. This eLearning is: Interactive Self-paced Device-friendly 2-3 hours content mobil-optimised practical exercises     Exam: 20 questions Multiple Choice 30 minutes Closed book Minimum required score to pass: (65%)   [-]
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Nettstudie 12 måneder 5 000 kr
Learn to deliver an agreed quality of service by handling all predefined, user-initiated service requests in an effective and user-friendly manner. [+]
Understand the purpose and key concepts of the Continual Improvement Practice, elucidating its significance in fostering a culture of ongoing improvement and innovation within the organisation. This eLearning is: Interactive Self-paced   Device-friendly   2-3 hours content   Mobile-optimised   Practical exercises   Exam: 20 questions Multiple choise 30 minutes Closed book Minimum required score to pass: 65% [-]
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Nettstudie 12 måneder 5 000 kr
The purpose of this module is to provide best practice guidance on how to set clear, business-based targets for service utility, warranty and experience. [+]
Understand the purpose and key concepts of the Service Level Management Practice, elucidating its significance in defining, negotiating, and managing service levels to meet customer expectations. This eLearning is: Interactive Self-paced   Device-friendly   2-3 hours content   Mobile-optimised   Practical exercises   Exam: 20 questions Multiple choise 30 minutes Closed book Minimum required score to pass: 65% [-]
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Nettstudie 12 måneder 5 000 kr
Receive practical guidance on the processes and activities of Problem Management, including their roles in the service value chain. [+]
Understand the purpose and key concepts of Problem Management, including its role in identifying and managing the root causes of incidents to prevent recurrence.   This eLearning is: Interactive   Self-paced   Device-friendly   2-3 hours content   Mobile-optimised   Practical exercises   Exam: 20 questions Multiple choise 30 minutes Closed book Minimum required score to pass: 65% [-]
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Nettkurs 12 måneder 12 000 kr
ITIL® 4 Strategist: Direct, Plan and improve er en modul innen ITIL®. Modulen er en nøkkelkomponenten i både ITIL® 4 Managing Professional og ITIL® 4 Strategic Leader-løp... [+]
Modulen dekker bruk og effekt av Lean og agile arbeidsmåter, og hvordan dette kan utnyttes til fordel for organisasjonen. Kurset vil gi kandidatene en praktisk og strategisk metode for å planlegge og levere kontinuerlig forbedring med nødvendig smidighet.  E-læringskurset inneholder 18 timer med undervisning, og er delt inn i 12 moduler. Les mer om ITIL® 4 på AXELOS sine websider Du vil motta en e-post med tilgang til e-læringen, sertifiseringsvoucher og digital bok fra Peoplecert. Du avtaler tid for sertifiseringen som beskrevet i e-posten fra Peoplecert.   [-]
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Nettkurs 12 måneder 12 000 kr
ITIL® 4 Specialist: Drive Stakeholder Value dekker alle typer engasjement og interaksjon mellom en tjenesteleverandør og deres kunder, brukere, leverandører og partnere. [+]
Kurset fokuserer på konvertering av etterspørsel til verdi via IT-relaterte tjenester. Modulen dekker sentrale emner som SLA-design, styring av flere leverandører, kommunikasjon, relasjonsstyring, CX- og UX-design, kartlegging av kunder og mer. E-læringskurset inneholder 18 timer med undervisning, og er delt inn i 8 moduler. Les mer om ITIL® 4 på  AXELOS sine websider. Du vil motta en e-post med tilgang til e-læringen, sertifiseringsvoucher og digital bok fra Peoplecert. Du avtaler tid for sertifiseringen som beskrevet i e-posten fra Peoplecert. [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 3 dager 17 500 kr
18 Mar
3-dagers virtuellt instruktør-ledet kurs som fører frem til ITIL Foundation sertifisering. [+]
Sopra Steria Akademiet er en del av Sopra Steria, og tilbyr kurs og opplæring innen: IT Service Management Prosjekt- og programstyring It-styring og kontroll Våre instruktører jobber til daglig som rådgivere innen disse områdene i Sopra Steria.  ITIL® 4 er det mest utbredte og anerkjente rammeverket for IT Service Management (ITSM) i verden, og ITIL® 4 Foundation er et introduksjonskurs til rammeverket. ITIL® 4 Foundation-sertifiseringen er designet som en introduksjon til ITIL® 4 og gjør det mulig for kandidater å se på IT-tjenestestyring gjennom en ende-til-ende-driftsmodell for oppretting, levering og kontinuerlig forbedring av teknisk aktiverte produkter og tjenester.Kurset avsluttes med en sertifiseringstest som gjennomføres etter at kurset er fullført. Sertifiseringen gjøres via en online-basert tjeneste via vår partner PeopleCert. Man velger selv tidspunkt for sertifiseringen. Kurset inkluderer: Kursdokumentasjon, sertifiseringstest og lunsj ved fysisk oppmøte   Kurset varer i 3 dager. Dag 1 og 2: 09:00-16:00. Dag 3: 09:00-13:00 Vi stiller med erfarne norske instruktører. Kursmateriell og eksamen er på engelsk. Eksamen varer i 75 minutter.  Det bør beregnes 6 timer til selvstudium. Du kan lese mere om ITIL her ITIL®/PRINCE2®/MSP®/MoP® are registered trademarks of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved. [-]
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Nettstudie 12 måneder 5 000 kr
The purpose of this module is to provide best practice guidance on how to set clear, business-based targets for service utility, warranty and experience. [+]
Understand the purpose and key concepts of Information Security Management, elucidating its significance in safeguarding the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of organisational information assets. This eLearning is: Interactive Self-paced   Device-friendly   2-3 hours content   Mobile-optimised   Practical exercises   Exam: 20 questions Multiple choise 30 minutes Closed book Minimum required score to pass: 65% [-]
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Nettstudie 12 måneder 5 000 kr
Learn to maximise the number of successful service and product changes by ensuring that risks have been accurately assessed, authorising changes, and managing change sche... [+]
Understand the purpose and key concepts of Change Enablement, highlighting its importance in managing changes effectively to minimise risk and ensure business continuity.   This eLearning is: Interactive Self-paced   Device-friendly   2-3 hours of content   Mobile-optimised   Exam: 20 questions Multiple choise 30 minutes Closed book Minimum required score to pass: 65% [-]
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Nettstudie 12 måneder 5 000 kr
The purpose of this module is to ensure that the organisation’s suppliers and their performances are managed appropriately to support the seamless provision of quality pr... [+]
Understand the purpose and key concepts of the Supplier Management Practice, elucidating its importance in managing supplier relationships and ensuring value delivery from third-party services. This eLearning is: Interactive Self-paced   Device-friendly   2-3 hours content   Mobile-optimised   Practical exercises   Exam: 20 questions Multiple choise 30 minutes Closed book Minimum required score to pass: 65% [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 3 dager 15 900 kr
This course provides IT leaders, practitioners, support staff and staff interfacing with the organisation’s digital and information systems functions with a practical und... [+]
COURSE OVERVIEW . It also prepares delegates for the ITIL Foundation Certificate Examination. The course is based on the ITIL4 best practice service value system featured in the latest 2019 guidelines. TARGET AUDIENCE This course is aimed at all levels of IT professional and those involved in designing, building, delivering and managing modern digital products and services. COURSE OBJECTIVES After you complete this course you will be able to: Key IT service management concepts. How ITIL guiding principles can help and organization to adopt and adapt service management. The 4 dimensions of service management. The purpose and components of the service value system. The activities of the service value chain and how the interconnect. Know the purpose of key ITIL practices. Sit the ITIL4 foundation examination - Sample papers are set during the class by instructors to take during the class or as homework exercises. COURSE CONTENT IT Service Management definitions; Service, Utility, Warranty, Customer, User, Service management, Sponsor Key concepts of value creation Key concepts of service relationships; service offering; service provision; service consumption; service relationship management The nature, use and interaction of 7 ITIL guiding principles; Focus on value; Start where you are; Progress iteratively with feedback; Collaborate and promote visibility; Think and work holistically; Keep it simple and practical; Optimize and automate The 4 dimensions of service management; Organizations and people; Information and technology; Partners and suppliers; Value streams and processes    The ITIL service value system The service value chain, its inputs and outputs, and its role in supporting value streams Service value chain elements; Plan, Improve, Engage, Design & transition, Obtain / Build, Deliver & support Detail of how the following ITIL practices support the service value chain: -  Continual Improvement (including continual improvement model); Change control; Incident management; Problem Management; Service request management;  Service desk; Service level management The purpose of the following ITIL practices: - Information security management; Relationship management; Supplier management; Availability management; Capacity and performance management; Service configuration management;    IT asset management; Business analysis; Service continuity management; Deployment management; Monitoring and event management; Release management   TEST CERTIFICATION Recommended preparation for exam(s): ITIL4 Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management This is a pre-requisite for other ITIL4 qualifications. The examination is a 1 hour, closed book, multiple choice paper of 40 questions taken after completion of the course - exam vouchers are provided with this course. These will have a validity of 12 months. You will need to schedule your exams within this time frame. The pass mark is 65% (26 out of 40) Cost of the exam is included in the course fee [-]
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Nettkurs 375 kr
Kurs med Henning Denstad om hvordan din virksomhet påvirkes av digitale plattformer og økosystemer. [+]
Kurs med Henning Denstad om hvordan din virksomhet påvirkes av digitale plattformer og økosystemer. Hva kjennetegner en digital plattform og hvilke gevinster kan den gi? Hvilke gode eksempler på plattformer og økosystemer kan man lære fra? Hva er sammenhengen mellom en digital plattform og et digitalt økosystem?  Hvordan drives innovasjon i digitale økosystemer? Hva er digitale plattformer og økosystemer, og hvordan kan det påvirke din virksomhet? I privat sektor kan det innebære at konkurransebildet endres, mens det i offentlig sektor kan bety å utnytte store datamengder på en bedre måte. I begge sektorer kan økosystemer innebære fremvekst av nye konstellasjoner og samarbeidsmønstre mellom aktører, og på den måten kan vi tilby bedre og utvidede produkter og tjenester til kundene eller brukerne. Å utarbeide en plattformstrategi handler om digital forretningsutvikling hvor målet er å levere bedre og flere produkter og tjenester. For å gjøre det må du både forstå kreftene i markedet, hva konkurrentene gjør, og ikke minst hvor moden din egen virksomhet er. Når er det riktig timing for å kunne ta et slikt løft?  Leksjoner Hva betyr digitale plattformer og økosystemer for din virksomhet? Hva kjennetegner en digital plattform? Hvilke gevinster kan en vellykket plattform gi? Hva består en digital plattform av? Miljødataplattformen, et eksempel. Digitale plattformer utvides ofte med nye tjenester Økosystem – kan vi lære noe av naturen? Digitale plattformer og økosystemer handler om strategi Hva består et digitalt økosystem av? Eksempler på økosystemer Hvordan styre digitale økosystemer? Digitale økosystemer er innovasjonsmotorer [-]
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