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Uke | Startdato | Sluttdato | Frist | Sted | Språk | |
På forespørsel | 31.12.2013 | - | Hele landet, Hele landet | Norsk |
Uke: |
Startdato: På forespørsel |
Sluttdato: 31.12.2013 |
Frist: - |
Sted: Hele landet, Hele landet |
Sted: Hele landet, Hele landet |
Språk: Norsk |
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What is Mediation?
How can it help me and my business?
In a mediation procedure the Mediator is a neutral independent person who acts as a facilitator who helps the parties to reach a mutually satisfactory settlement of their dispute. Any settlement terms reached can be signed and recorded in an enforceable contract. Mediation is an efficient and cost-effective way of achieving a fair outcome while preserving, and at times even enhancing, the relationship, business and personal, of the parties.
European Mediation Training Overview
Over four days participants will undertake 40 hours of professional mediation training affording them the opportunity to act as a mediator and to learn all the basic principles required to run an effective Mediation Conference.
This professional training equips participants with the basic mediation skills and techniques necessary for running a mediation conference whilst simultaneously providing participants an insight into the different types of common mediation situations.
Mediation Training Content
Dublin, Ireland
In order to become a participant on this course, you don't need any specific experience or education. The only requirement is your motivation to acquire practical mediation and dispute resolution skills that you can immediately apply in your professional life.
4 days, 40 hours
Following successful completion of the advanced mediation training, participants will undertake an examination leading to accreditation with Mediation Forum Ireland. Mediation Forum Ireland is a recognised accreditation body pursuant to Section 15 of the Courts and Civil Liability Act 2004. This accreditation is recognised worldwide and entitles the participant to use the designation, Accredited Mediator.
The holder of this qualification is then entitled to join the Panel of Mediators with Mediation Forum Ireland and membership of the European ADR & Mediation Institute.
This course is perfectly suited to those wishing to gain a greater understanding of the mediation process without necessarily aspiring to practice as a mediator.
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