Du har valgt: Sikkerhetskurs for IT


31 treff i Sikkerhetskurs for IT

Bedriftsintern 1 dag
Hvordan personvernreglene implementeres i ledelsessystemet iht. ISO 9001 og/eller ISO 45001 [+]
EU’s personvernregelverk, som ble innført i 2018, fører fremdeles til en del usikkerhet rundt hva kravene betyr i praksis for kvalitetssystemet.  Hvorfor gå dette kurset? Få oversikten i løpet av én dag Bli trygg på at du har fått med deg det du må om regelverket Unngå kostbare misforståelser Utveksle erfaringer med andre deltakere Etter gjennomført kurs skal du ha kunnskap om: De viktigste kravene i GDPR Hvordan ledelsessystem for kvalitet og arbeidsmiljø tilpasses for å sikre at kravene i GDPR er riktig implementert Risiko i forhold til personopplysninger Revisjon av håndtering av personopplysninger   [-]
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Nettkurs 375 kr
Kurs i cybersikkerhet med Carsten Maartmann-Moe. Du lærer om cyberkriminelle, og de største risikoene for angrep. [+]
Kurs i cybersikkerhet med Carsten Maartmann-Moe. Du lærer om cyberkriminelle,  og de største risikoene for angrep. Cybersikkerhet eller IT-sikkerhet er i nyhetene nesten hver dag, men hva er fakta og hva er fiksjon? Kan du bli hacket når som helst? Er alle ute etter din virksomhet? Hva er de største risikoene, og hvordan kan man effektivt redusere dem? I dette kurset lærer du hvordan cyberkriminelle opererer, hva de største risikoene er, og hvordan nyanser og kompleksitet påvirker hvilke sikringstiltak som fungerer. Vi vil også lære hvordan den undergrunnsøkonomien i cyberverden fungerer, slik at du kan ta gode beslutninger for å beskytte din egen og din virksomhets informasjon.    Være i stand til å forklare hva cyberkriminalitet er, og hvorfor cybersikkerhet er viktig Være i stand til å forstå hvorfor cybersikkerhet er komplekst Være i stand til å analysere hvilke risikoer som du og din virksomhet står ovenfor Være i stand til å finne og beskytte din mest verdifulle informasjon Være i stand til å håndtere sikkerhetsbrudd på en betryggende måte Morgendagens trusler   Introduksjon til kurset Hvordan er det å bli hacket Hvem er hackerene? God cybersikkerhet – en forutsetning for vellykket digitalisering Hvordan ser cyberspace ut? Å jobbe strukturert med cybersikkerhet 4 myter om cybersikkerhet Personvern og cybersikkerhet Hva er risiko, og hvordan måler du den? Vurdere og redusere risiko – tips og triks Hvordan kommunisere med ledelsen om risiko? Digitalisering og tilpasning til din virksomhet Effektive sikkerhetstiltak for din virksomhet Effektive sikkerhetstiltak for deg som person Rammeverk og verktøy Fremtidige utfordringer Hjelp jeg har blitt hacket Hvem som kan hjelpe Oppsummering og videre læring [-]
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Nettstudie 2 semester 4 980 kr
På forespørsel
Hva menes med sikkerhet, hensikt med sikkerhet, tiltak som kan iverksettes for å oppnå tilsiktet sikkerhet, identifisering av inntrengere, passordsikkerhet, autentisering... [+]
  Studieår: 2013-2014   Gjennomføring: Høst og vår Antall studiepoeng: 5.0 Forutsetninger: Gode IKT-kunnskaper og god kjennskap til drift av Windows server og prosesser i Windows operativsystem. Innleveringer: For å kunne gå opp til eksamen må 8 øvingsoppgaver være godkjent. Nærmere opplysninger gis ved kursstart Personlig veileder: ja Vurderingsform: Netteksamen på egen PC - 5 timer. Hver student skal bruke virtuelle maskiner under eksamen. Ansvarlig: Stein Meisingseth Eksamensdato: 10.12.13 / 13.05.14         Læremål: KUNNSKAPER: Kandidaten:- har innsikt i hvordan et nettverk kan sikres og hvordan man kan unngå at lokale maskiner, servere eller større nettverk kan bli hacket- kjenner til løsninger for å sikre små og store nettverk FERDIGHETER:Kandidaten:- kan forstå hensikten med å legge stor vekt på sikkerhet- skal kunne oppdage og identifisere inntrengere- skal kunne forhindre eksterne angrep- skal kunne forstå faren med interne angrep- skal kunne lage rutiner for gode passordrutiner, autentiseringssystemer og viruskontroll- forstår hvordan sikkerhet fungerer i Windows 7 og Windows 2008 server- bruker Group Policy til å sette tilpasset sikkerhet- skal kunne bruke og å konfigurere de interne brannmurer i Windows GENERELL KOMPETANSE:Kandidaten har:- perspektiv og kompetanse i å velge riktige løsninger for å oppnå maksimal og tilpasset sikkerhet- kompetanse i generelt sikkerhetsarbeid Innhold:Hva menes med sikkerhet, hensikt med sikkerhet, tiltak som kan iverksettes for å oppnå tilsiktet sikkerhet, identifisering av inntrengere, passordsikkerhet, autentiseringssystemer, viruskontroll, sikkerhet i Windows og 2008 servere, bruk av brannmuren til Windows server 2008, sette sikkerhet i Group Policy, brannvegger generelt, forhindre virus og inntrenging, tiltak for å forhindre angrep utenfra, digitale signaturer.Les mer om faget her Påmeldingsfrist: 25.08.13 / 25.01.14         Velg semester:  Høst 2013    Vår 2014     Fag Datasikkerhet 4980,-         Semesteravgift og eksamenskostnader kommer i tillegg.    [-]
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Oslo 4 dager 28 900 kr
24 Mar
24 Mar
10 Jun
Kubernetes Security Fundamentals (LFS460) [+]
Kubernetes Security Fundamentals (LFS460) [-]
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Oslo 5 dager 27 900 kr
17 Mar
17 Mar
16 Jun
GDPR - Certified Data Protection Officer [+]
GDPR - Certified Data Protection Officer [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 5 dager 28 500 kr
This course covers three central elements of Microsoft 365 enterprise administration – Microsoft 365 security management, Microsoft 365 compliance management, and Microso... [+]
 In Microsoft 365 security management, you will examine all the common types of threat vectors and data breaches facing organizations today, and you will learn how Microsoft 365’s security solutions address these security threats. Global Knowledge will introduce you to the Microsoft Secure Score, as well as to Azure Active Directory Identity Protection. You will then learn how to manage the Microsoft 365 security services, including Exchange Online Protection, Advanced Threat Protection, Safe Attachments, and Safe Links. Finally, you will be introduced to the various reports that monitor your security health. You will then transition from security services to threat intelligence; specifically, using the Security Dashboard and Advanced Threat Analytics to stay ahead of potential security breaches. TARGET AUDIENCE This course is designed for persons who are aspiring to the Microsoft 365 Enterprise Admin role and have completed one of the Microsoft 365 work load administrator certification paths. COURSE OBJECTIVES By actively participating in this course, you will learn about the following: Microsoft 365 Security Metrics Microsoft 365 Security Services Microsoft 365 Threat Intelligence Data Governance in Microsoft 365 Archiving and Retention in Office 365 Data Governance in Microsoft 365 Intelligence Search and Investigations Device Management Windows 10 Deployment Strategies Mobile Device Management COURSE CONTENT Module 1: Introduction to Microsoft 365 Security Metrics Threat Vectors and Data Breaches Security Solutions in Microsoft 365 Introduction to the Secure Score Introduction to Azure Active Directory Identity Protection Module 2: Managing Your Microsoft 365 Security Services Introduction to Exchange Online Protection Introduction to Advanced Threat Protection Managing Safe Attachments Managing Safe Links Monitoring and Reports Module 3: Lab 1 - Manage Microsoft 365 Security Services Exercise 1 - Set up a Microsoft 365 Trial Tenant Exercise 2 - Implement an ATP Safe Links policy and Safe Attachment policy Module 4: Microsoft 365 Threat Intelligence Overview of Microsoft 365 Threat Intelligence Using the Security Dashboard Configuring Advanced Threat Analytics Implementing Your Cloud Application Security Module 5: Lab 2 - Implement Alert Notifications Using the Security Dashboard Exercise 1 - Prepare for implementing Alert Policies Exercise 2 - Implement Security Alert Notifications Exercise 3 - Implement Group Alerts Exercise 4 - Implement eDiscovery Alerts Module 6: Introduction to Data Governance in Microsoft 365 Introduction to Archiving in Microsoft 365 Introduction to Retention in Microsoft 365 Introduction to Information Rights Management Introduction to Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension Introduction to Office 365 Message Encryption Introduction to Data Loss Prevention Module 7: Archiving and Retention in Office 365 In-Place Records Management in SharePoint Archiving and Retention in Exchange Retention Policies in the SCC Module 8: Lab 3 - Implement Archiving and Retention Exercise 1 - Initialize Compliance in Your Organization Exercise 2 - Configure Retention Tags and Policies Exercise 3 - Implement Retention Policies Module 9: Implementing Data Governance in Microsoft 365 Intelligence Planning Your Security and Complaince Needs Building Ethical Walls in Exchange Online Creating a Simple DLP Policy from a Built-in Template Creating a Custom DLP Policy Creating a DLP Policy to Protect Documents Working with Policy Tips Module 10: Lab 4 - Implement DLP Policies Exercise 1 - Manage DLP Policies Exercise 2 - Test MRM and DLP Policies Module 11: Managing Data Governance in Microsoft 365 Managing Retention in Email Troubleshooting Data Governance Implementing Azure Information Protection Implementing Advanced Features of AIP Implementing Windows Information Protection Module 12: Lab 5 - Implement AIP and WIP Exercise 1 - Implement Azure Information Protection Exercise 2 - Implement Windows Information Protection Module 13: Managing Search and Investigations Searching for Content in the Security and Compliance Center Auditing Log Investigations Managing Advanced eDiscovery Module 14: Lab 6 - Manage Search and Investigations Exercise 1 - Investigate Your Microsoft 365 Data Exercise 2 - Configure and Deploy a Data Subject Request Module 15: Planning for Device Management Introduction to Co-management Preparing Your Windows 10 Devices for Co-management Transitioning from Configuration Manager to Intune Introduction to Microsoft Store for Business Planning for Mobile Application Management Module 16: Lab 7 - Implement the Microsoft Store for Business Exercise 1 - Configure the Microsoft Store for Business Exercise 2 - Manage the Microsoft Store for Business Module 17: Planning Your Windows 10 Deployment Strategy Windows 10 Deployment Scenarios Implementing Windows Autopilot Planning Your Windows 10 Subscription Activation Strategy Resolving Windows 10 Upgrade Errors Introduction to Windows Analytics Module 18: Implementing Mobile Device Management Planning Mobile Device Management Deploying Mobile Device Management Enrolling Devices to MDM Managing Device Compliance Module 19: Lab 8 - Manage Devices with Intune Exercise 1 - Enable Device Management Exercise 2 - Configure Azure AD for Intune Exercise 3 - Create Intune Policies Exercise 4 - Enroll a Windows 10 Device Exercise 5 - Manage and Monitor a Device in Intune TEST CERTIFICATION This course helps you to prepare for exam MS101. [-]
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Oslo 5 dager 30 000 kr
10 Mar
10 Mar
MasterClass: Hacking and Securing Windows Infrastructure with Paula Januszkiewicz [+]
MasterClass: Hacking and Securing Windows Infrastructure with Paula Januszkiewicz [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 4 dager 23 000 kr
This course prepares students with the background to design and evaluate cybersecurity strategies in the following areas: Zero Trust, Governance Risk Compliance (GRC), se... [+]
. Students will also learn how to design and architect solutions using zero trust principles and specify security requirements for cloud infrastructure in different service models (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS). TARGET AUDIENCE IT professionals with advanced experience and knowledge in a wide range of security engineering areas, including identity and access, platform protection, security operations, securing data, and securing applications. They should also have experience with hybrid and cloud implementations. COURSE OBJECTIVES Design a Zero Trust strategy and architecture Evaluate Governance Risk Compliance (GRC) technical strategies and security operations strategies Design security for infrastructure Design a strategy for data and applications COURSE CONTENT Module 1: Build an overall security strategy and architecture Learn how to build an overall security strategy and architecture. Lessons M1 Introduction Zero Trust overview Develop Integration points in an architecture Develop security requirements based on business goals Translate security requirements into technical capabilities Design security for a resiliency strategy Design a security strategy for hybrid and multi-tenant environments Design technical and governance strategies for traffic filtering and segmentation Understand security for protocols Exercise: Build an overall security strategy and architecture Knowledge check Summary After completing module 1, students will be able to: Develop Integration points in an architecture Develop security requirements based on business goals Translate security requirements into technical capabilities Design security for a resiliency strategy Design security strategy for hybrid and multi-tenant environments Design technical and governance strategies for traffic filtering and segmentation Module 2: Design a security operations strategy Learn how to design a security operations strategy. Lessons M2 Introduction Understand security operations frameworks, processes, and procedures Design a logging and auditing security strategy Develop security operations for hybrid and multi-cloud environments Design a strategy for Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) and Security Orchestration, Evaluate security workflows Review security strategies for incident management Evaluate security operations strategy for sharing technical threat intelligence Monitor sources for insights on threats and mitigations After completing module 2, students will be able to: Design a logging and auditing security strategy Develop security operations for hybrid and multi-cloud environments. Design a strategy for Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) and Security Orchestration, A Evaluate security workflows. Review security strategies for incident management. Evaluate security operations for technical threat intelligence. Monitor sources for insights on threats and mitigations. Module 3: Design an identity security strategy Learn how to design an identity security strategy. Lessons M3 Introduction Secure access to cloud resources Recommend an identity store for security Recommend secure authentication and security authorization strategies Secure conditional access Design a strategy for role assignment and delegation Define Identity governance for access reviews and entitlement management Design a security strategy for privileged role access to infrastructure Design a security strategy for privileged activities Understand security for protocols After completing module 3, students will be able to: Recommend an identity store for security. Recommend secure authentication and security authorization strategies. Secure conditional access. Design a strategy for role assignment and delegation. Define Identity governance for access reviews and entitlement management. Design a security strategy for privileged role access to infrastructure. Design a security strategy for privileged access. Module 4: Evaluate a regulatory compliance strategy Learn how to evaluate a regulatory compliance strategy. Lessons M4 Introduction Interpret compliance requirements and their technical capabilities Evaluate infrastructure compliance by using Microsoft Defender for Cloud Interpret compliance scores and recommend actions to resolve issues or improve security Design and validate implementation of Azure Policy Design for data residency Requirements Translate privacy requirements into requirements for security solutions After completing module 4, students will be able to: Interpret compliance requirements and their technical capabilities Evaluate infrastructure compliance by using Microsoft Defender for Cloud Interpret compliance scores and recommend actions to resolve issues or improve security Design and validate implementation of Azure Policy Design for data residency requirements Translate privacy requirements into requirements for security solutions Module 5: Evaluate security posture and recommend technical strategies to manage risk Learn how to evaluate security posture and recommend technical strategies to manage risk. Lessons M5 Introduction Evaluate security postures by using benchmarks Evaluate security postures by using Microsoft Defender for Cloud Evaluate security postures by using Secure Scores Evaluate security hygiene of Cloud Workloads Design security for an Azure Landing Zone Interpret technical threat intelligence and recommend risk mitigations Recommend security capabilities or controls to mitigate identified risks After completing module 5, students will be able to: Evaluate security postures by using benchmarks Evaluate security postures by using Microsoft Defender for Cloud Evaluate security postures by using Secure Scores Evaluate security hygiene of Cloud Workloads Design security for an Azure Landing Zone Interpret technical threat intelligence and recommend risk mitigations Recommend security capabilities or controls to mitigate identified risks Module 6: Understand architecture best practices and how they are changing with the Cloud Learn about architecture best practices and how they are changing with the Cloud. Lessons M6 Introduction Plan and implement a security strategy across teams Establish a strategy and process for proactive and continuous evolution of a security strategy Understand network protocols and best practices for network segmentation and traffic filtering After completing module 6, students will be able to: Describe best practices for network segmentation and traffic filtering. Plan and implement a security strategy across teams. Establish a strategy and process for proactive and continuous evaluation of security strategy. Module 7: Design a strategy for securing server and client endpoints Learn how to design a strategy for securing server and client endpoints. Lessons M7 Introduction Specify security baselines for server and client endpoints Specify security requirements for servers Specify security requirements for mobile devices and clients Specify requirements for securing Active Directory Domain Services Design a strategy to manage secrets, keys, and certificates Design a strategy for secure remote access Understand security operations frameworks, processes, and procedures Understand deep forensics procedures by resource type After completing module 7, students will be able to: Specify security baselines for server and client endpoints Specify security requirements for servers Specify security requirements for mobile devices and clients Specify requirements for securing Active Directory Domain Services Design a strategy to manage secrets, keys, and certificates Design a strategy for secure remote access Understand security operations frameworks, processes, and procedures Understand deep forensics procedures by resource type Module 8: Design a strategy for securing PaaS, IaaS, and SaaS services Learn how to design a strategy for securing PaaS, IaaS, and SaaS services. Lessons M8 Introduction Specify security baselines for PaaS services Specify security baselines for IaaS services Specify security baselines for SaaS services Specify security requirements for IoT workloads Specify security requirements for data workloads Specify security requirements for web workloads Specify security requirements for storage workloads Specify security requirements for containers Specify security requirements for container orchestration After completing module 8, students will be able to: Specify security baselines for PaaS, SaaS and IaaS services Specify security requirements for IoT, data, storage, and web workloads Specify security requirements for containers and container orchestration Module 9: Specify security requirements for applications Learn how to specify security requirements for applications. Lessons M9 Introduction Understand application threat modeling Specify priorities for mitigating threats to applications Specify a security standard for onboarding a new application Specify a security strategy for applications and APIs After completing module 9, students will be able to: Specify priorities for mitigating threats to applications Specify a security standard for onboarding a new application Specify a security strategy for applications and APIs Module 10: Design a strategy for securing data Learn how to design a strategy for securing data. Lessons M10 Introduction Prioritize mitigating threats to data Design a strategy to identify and protect sensitive data Specify an encryption standard for data at rest and in motion After completing module 10, students will be able to: Prioritize mitigating threats to data Design a strategy to identify and protect sensitive data Specify an encryption standard for data at rest and in motion [-]
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Oslo 2 dager 14 900 kr
08 May
08 May
ISO/IEC 27701 Foundation [+]
ISO/IEC 27701 Foundation [-]
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Oslo 5 dager 39 500 kr
19 May
19 May
CCSP: Certified Cloud Security Professional [+]
CCSP: Certified Cloud Security Professional [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 5 dager 38 000 kr
(ISC)² and the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) developed the Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) credential to ensure that cloud security professionals have the re... [+]
COURSE OVERVIEW A CCSP applies information security expertise to a cloud computing environment and demonstrates competence in cloud security architecture, design, operations, and service orchestration. This professional competence is measured against a globally recognized body of knowledge. The CCSP is a standalone credential that complements and builds upon existing credentials and educational programs, including (ISC)²’s Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) and CSA’s Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge (CCSK). As an (ISC)2 Official Training Provider, we use courseware developed by (ISC)² –creator of the CCSP CBK –to ensure your training is relevant and up-to-date. Our instructors are verified security experts who hold the CCSP and have completed intensive training to teach (ISC)² content. Please Note: An exam voucher is included with this course   TARGET AUDIENCE Experienced cybersecurity and IT/ICT professionals who are involved in transitioning to and maintaining cloud-basedsolutions and services. Roles include:• Cloud Architect• Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)• Chief Information Officer (CIO)• Chief Technology Officer (CTO)• Engineer/Developer/Manager• DevOps• Enterprise Architect• IT Contract Negotiator• IT Risk and Compliance Manager• Security Administrator• Security Analyst• Security Architect• Security Consultant• Security Engineer• Security Manager• Systems Architect• Systems Engineer• SecOps   COURSE OBJECTIVES After completing this course you should be able to:   Describe the physical and virtual components of and identify the principle technologies of cloud based systems Define the roles and responsibilities of customers, providers, partners, brokers and the various technical professionals that support cloud computing environments Identify and explain the five characteristics required to satisfy the NIST definition of cloud computing Differentiate between various as a Service delivery models and frameworks that are incorporated into the cloud computing reference architecture Discuss strategies for safeguarding data, classifying data, ensuring privacy, assuring compliance with regulatory agencies and working with authorities during legal investigations Contrast between forensic analysis in corporate data center and cloud computing environments Evaluate and implement the security controls necessary to ensure confidentiality, integrity and availability in cloud computing Identify and explain the six phases of the data lifecycle Explain strategies for protecting data at rest and data in motion Describe the role of encryption in protecting data and specific strategies for key management Compare a variety of cloud-based business continuity / disaster recovery strategies and select an appropriate solution to specific business requirements Contrast security aspects of Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) in standard data center and cloud computing environments Describe how federated identity and access management solutions mitigate risks in cloud computing systems Conduct gap analysis between baseline and industry-standard best practices Develop Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for cloud computing environments Conduct risk assessments of existing and proposed cloud-based environments State the professional and ethical standards of (ISC)² and the Certified Cloud Security Professional COURSE CONTENT   Domain 1. Cloud Concepts, Architecture and Design Domain 2. Cloud Data Security Domain 3. Cloud Platform & Infrastructure Security Domain 4. Cloud Application Security Domain 5. Cloud Security Operations Domain 6. Legal, Risk and Compliance TEST CERTIFICATION Recommended as preparation for the following exam: (ISC)² - Certified Cloud Security Professional  Gaining this accreditation is not just about passing the exam, there are a number of other criterias that need to be met including 5  years of cumulative, paid work experience in  information technology, of which 3 years must be in information security and 1 year in 1 or more of the 6 domains of the CCSP CBK. Earning CSA’s CCSK certificate can be substituted for 1 year of experience in 1 or more of the 6 domains of the CCSP CBK. Earning (ISC)²’s CISSP credential can be substituted for the entire CCSP experience requirement. Full details can be found at Those without the required experience can take the exam to become an Associate of (ISC)²  . The Associate of (ISC)² will then have 6 years to earn the 5 years required experience.   [-]
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Oslo Bergen 2 dager 16 900 kr
17 Mar
17 Mar
17 Mar
htWeb Security for Developers [+]
httpWeb Security for Developers [-]
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Oslo 5 dager 27 900 kr
12 May
12 May
ISO/IEC 27701 Lead Implementer [+]
ISO/IEC 27701 Lead Implementer [-]
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Klasserom + nettkurs 5 dager 31 000 kr
If you are new to Citrix or if you are planning a move to Citrix Cloud, this course is a necessary step in enabling you with the right training and skills to manage and d... [+]
COURSE OVERVIEW If you are new to Citrix or if you are planning a move to Citrix Cloud, this course is a necessary step in enabling you with the right training and skills to manage and deploy Citrix Workspace successfully. This foundational administration course covers the aspects of installing, configuring and managing a Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 environment, how to manage an on-premises Citrix solution and migrate from an on-premises solution to cloud using the Citrix Cloud management plane. This five-day course will teach you how to deploy, install, configure, setup profile management, configure policies, printing and basic security features for on-premises Virtual Apps and Desktop solution building, and then migrating to Citrix Cloud. This course includes the exam voucher. TARGET AUDIENCE Experienced IT Professionals who want to be familiar with Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 in an on-premises environment and Citrix Cloud. Potential students include administrators or engineers responsible for the end user workspace and overall health and performance of the solution. COURSE OBJECTIVES After completing this course you should be able to: Install, configure, and manage a Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 site and Cloud connectors Identify the considerations between Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops on-premises and the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Service Deliver app and desktop resources COURSE CONTENT Architecture Overview Introduction to Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Architecture Overview Features Hosting Platform Considerations Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Service Connection Flow Process Introduction Deploy the Site Pre-Deployment Considerations Citrix Licensing Setup Delivery Controller Setup Site Setup And Management Redundancy Considerations The Apps and Desktops Images Consider Master Image Creation Methods Master Image Requirements Provision and Deliver App and Desktop Resources Machine Catalogs and Delivery Groups Provisioning Methods and Considerations Machine Creation Services (MCS) Deep Dive MCS Environment Considerations Resource Locations Provide Access to App and Desktop Resources  Consider Workspace Experience versus StoreFront  Workspace Experience User Authentication  Workspace App  Communication Flow Manage the User Experience Methods to Manage the User Experience Common User Experience Settings Published App and Desktop Presentation and Management  Published App Properties Server OS Published App Optimizations Published App Presentation Application Groups Apps and Desktops Presentation Manage Printing for User Sessions Map Printers to the User Session Printer Drivers Print Environment Considerations Citrix Profile Management Introduction and Considerations Configure Citrix Profile Management Manage the Site Delegated Administration Use PowerShell with Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Power Management Considerations Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Basic Security Considerations Citrix Admin Security Considerations XML Service Security Considerations Secure HDX External Traffic Monitor the Site Citrix Director Introduction Monitor and Interact with User Sessions Published Apps Analysis Monitor the Machines Running the VDA Site Specific Common Monitoring Alerts and Notifications Optimize Citrix Director Monitoring with Citrix ADM Introduction to Supporting and Troubleshooting Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Introduction to Supporting a Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Site Tools Proactive Administration Common Tasks Migrate To Citrix Cloud Migration Considerations Citrix Cloud Connector Deployment Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops with an On-Premises Resource Location The Migration Process Citrix Analytics Citrix Analytics Introduction Prepare to Use Citrix Analytics Types of Analytics TEST CERTIFICATION Recommended as preparation for the following exams: CCA-V Certification exam. [-]
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5 dager 25 500 kr
MS-500: Microsoft 365 Security Administrator [+]
MS-500: Microsoft 365 Security Administrator [-]
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