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81 treff i Språkkurs og språkreiser

Nettkurs 497 kr
Forstå delprøvene, lær deg eksamensstrategier, løs eksempeloppgaver. [+]
Du har lært norsk lenge og studert mye, og nå vil du ta Bergenstesten? Men kanskje er du redd for å ikke bestå fordi du ... - ... ikke kjenner oppgavetypene godt nok? - ... ikke vet hvordan du skal forberede deg? Bergenstesten handler først og fremst om at du kan veldig bra norsk, men det er også viktig at du setter deg inn i nøyaktig hva du må gjøre i eksamen. Det er en stor fordel om du vet hva du kan forvente, hvordan du løser problemene knyttet til de ulike delprøvene og hva slags strategier du bør bruke for å løse oppgavene på best mulig måte. I dette videokurset jobber du med nøyaktig det. Dette kommer du til å lære: - I 11 videoleksjoner (10-30 min. hver) presenterer jeg typiske oppgaver, forklarer hva som er "farlig" med oppgavene og hva du må konsentrere deg om. - Jeg viser deg også hvordan jeg løser oppgavene. - For delprøven referat og skriftlig produksjon retter jeg oppgaver skrevet av kandidater "live". Du får også - oppgaver du kan øve deg på- en konkret plan på hva du gjør hvis du bare har én måned eller én uke før eksamen- praktisk informasjon om Bergenstesten BONUS Du blir med i vår Facebook-gruppe hvor du kan stille spørsmål om Bergenstesten og om norsk grammatikk, møte andre kandidater og dele dine erfaringer. Meld deg på her. [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 1 595 kr
Individuell norskkurs med kvalifiserte lærere: lær norsk når du vil og hvor du vil - skreddersydd etter dine behov! [+]
  • skreddersydd individuell undervisning   • høyt kvalifiserte lærere - norsk som morsmål - utdanning som språklærer - undervisningserfaring   • f. eks. for 1595 kr 45 min. individuell undervisning / uke, 3 måneder   • gratis prøvetime   Du vil lære norsk, men finner ingen norskkurs i nærheten? Du må være fleksibel i tidspunktet for undervisningen, fordi jobb og fritidsaktiviteter gjør tiden knapp? Ta et norskkurs hos Skapago, og din datamaskin blir til din egen personlige språkskole!   Vi underviser deg på internett ved hjelp av Skype og et "virtuelt klasserom". Du trenger kun:• en Internettilkobling,• Skype (som kan lastes ned gratis fra   Bestill en gratis prøvetime her! [-]
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Business English Training for Individuals and Groups [+]
About Arrow At Arrow, our core service is Business English. This strategic focus allows us to provide unparalleled quality and results for our clients. We have a proven methodology and the ability to measure the results our clients achieve, which most language service providers in Norway do not provide.  Courses With our Business English Training, clients can choose to follow either a general business English curriculum, or have their curriculum specifically focussed on a particular business English sector (e.g. financial, HR, strategy, etc). We offer: One-to-One Training Group Training (6 participants max) Bespoke Courses All course material is developed by Arrow based on the specific needs of the client. New clients will receive a needs assessment at the beginning of their training. This allows us to not only create an effective curriculum but also the parameters by which we measure the results of our clients.  How we’re different Experience
Over the years have provided top-level Business English training for Norwegian clients in diverse industries, in diverse sectors, in a wide area of professional competencies. 
 Our Business English Trainers 
Our trainers have significant experience in Business English instruction. They come from a wide degree of backgrounds, many of whom have worked in the business world before working with us.
 Strategic Focus
Arrow's strategic focus on Business English training allows us to be the premier provider on the market today. This focus allows for a singular purpose by which to provide the highest quality, most effective Business English training in the Norwegian market.
 Proven Methodology
Arrow has formulated a proven methodology that is not only diverse in its approach, but highly engaging, and effective at committing the Business English our clients gain to long-term memory.
 Measurable Results
Finally, we are able to demonstrate measurable results for our Business English clients, which is something that most language training services can offer. After all, if a client is going to take time out of their busy day to learn Business English, there needs to be a measurable return on that time/financial investment. We provide that.  [-]
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4 490 kr
LEARNING OBJECTIVES FOR A1 The beginner course is the most important building block for learning the Norwegian language. It offers the basics in the Norwegian language. ... [+]
LEARNING OBJECTIVES FOR A1 The beginner course is the most important building block for learning the Norwegian language. It offers the basics in the Norwegian language. After completing this level, you will be able to interact with others in Norwegian in a simple manner, for example meet and greet and everyday conversations. You will be able to listen and understand simple questions if your conversation partner speaks slowly and clearly, and you can also answer simple questions about yourself and about the place you live. You can talk about people you know and things that interests you. Our main objective is to make you comfortable speaking Norwegian language.   Main learning objectives: Common verbs in present, past and future tenses Basic grammar and pronunciation Common phrases related to meet and greet situations Agree and disagree with statements Write simple essays Read simple texts from everyday life   COURSE DURATION The duration for this high speed language course is 4 weeks. 15 hours of study per week should allow you to complete the A1 in four or five weeks. You will have 8 hours (4 days) in classroom every week with you teacher and your small group. And there will be different online lessons that you can join almost every day. Apart from this you will need to work by yourself with our online resourses. And off course try to speak as much Norwegian as you can when you weet people. This is very fast track and you will need to prepare for every class.     ACCREDITED LANGUAGE COURSE PROVIDER Lingu is accredited by Kompetanse Norge. You will get a course certificate, which is valid for permanent residence and citizenship applications in Norway. You can be accredited for maximum 12 hours per week for all learning activities combined.   THE CLASSES As a member of Lingu’s A1 course, you can study when it suits you. You have access to all A1 classes and you can attend as many as you want! The classroom lessons in this intensive summer course are held four times per week (ordinary fast track is twice per week) at our language centres in Oslo, Bergen and Stavanger, and the online lessons are available from any smartphone, tablet or laptop. See the schedule for more information about time and topic.   PAYMENT This intensive summer course is a pay up front  or invoice (14 days to pay) Cost: kroner 4490,-  The other (ordinary) Lingu courses are subscription course, which means you will set up a monthly or quarterly payment agreement, and your card will automatically be charged for your access until you unsubscribe. When you have completed level, you can upgrade to the next level with a simple click.   COURSE MATERIALS The fast track book "Norsk på 1-2-3" is required in order to attend our courses. We also recommend that you purchase or download these recommended books: Med Tusen ord: Tekst og Arbeidsbok (Buy it here) Exploring Norwegian Grammar (Buy it here) The books can be used for all our course levels.   Norsk på 1-2-3 (covers A1 and A2) Norsk på 1-2-3 A1 is a fast trck book that covers all aspects of the Norwegian language from beginner level.   A1 exercises and level test You will get access to various exercises online, which help you practice grammar, reading and writing skills and build a larger vocabulary. After 4 weeks, you will get access to a level test for A1. If you complete the test with sufficient score, you can upgrade to the next level (A2).   SUBSCRIBE NOW AND GET INSTANT ACCESS TO ALL A1 CLASSES AND LESSONS!   [-]
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Virtuelt klasserom 1 595 kr
Individuelle franskkurs med kvalifiserte lærere: lær fransk når du vil og hvor du vil - skreddersydd etter dine behov! [+]
  • skreddersydd individuell undervisning   • høyt kvalifiserte lærere - fransk som morsmål - utdanning som språklærer - undervisningserfaring   • f. eks. for 1595 kr per måned 45 min. individuell undervisning / uke   • gratis prøvetime   Du vil lære fransk, men finner ingen franskkurs i nærheten? Du må være fleksibel i tidspunktet for undervisningen, fordi jobb og fritidsaktiviteter gjør tiden knapp? Ta et franskkurs hos Skapago, og din datamaskin blir til din egen personlige språkskole!     Vi underviser deg på internett ved hjelp av Skype og et "virtuelt klasserom". Du trenger kun:• en Internettilkobling,• Skype (kan lastes ned gratis fra og ev. headset   Bestill en gratis prøvetime her! [-]
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Bedriftsintern 1 time 950 kr
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Stadig flere bedrifter investerer i norsktrening for ansatte med utenlandsk bakgrunn. Lingu Språksenter hjelper deg med å effektivisere kommunikasjonen internt. Vi til... [+]
Norskundervisning på arbeidsplassen er en løsning som passer like bra til store konsern som små enkeltmannsforetak. Sett ganske enkelt til side noen timer hver uke, i eller etter arbeidstid, så ordner vi resten. Vi leverer fleksible timeplaner, skalerbare gruppestørrelser og opplæring i akkurat det dere har behov for!   Våre kursholdere har norsk som morsmål, pedagogisk erfaring og flere års utdanning innen norsk språk og kultur. Kursleder tilpasser undervisningen fortløpende etter behov og nivå.   Vi anbefaler bruk av kombinasjonsopplæring til de fleste bedrifter. Kombinasjonsopplæring går ut på å kombinere klasseromsundervisning med egenopplæring på internett. Dette er et moderne og kostnadseffektivt alternativ til å kun benytte klassisk kursformat. Samtidig så treffer det kunnskapsnivået til den enkelte perfekt, og antall timer den enkelte legger i egenstudiet vil øke kompetansenivået betraktelig.   Deltakerne får tilgang til et av de beste nettkursene som finnes i norsk som andrespråk, NorskPluss Akademi. Dette er et svært interaktivt nettbasert læremiddel i norsk som andrespråk for voksne. Man får ubegrenset tilgang til tusenvis av oppgaver og bildeordbank, samt en personlig veileder som gir deltakeren oppfølgning underveis i læringsprosessen.   Deltakeren får muligheten til å utvikle sine norskferdigheter i lesing, skriving, lytting og uttale på en moderne, interaktiv og fleksibel måte.    Fordeler med bedriftsinternt norskkurs fra Lingu Progressiv og intensiv opplæring med langsiktige mål Tilpasses de ansattes timeplan Tema og form tilpasses fortløpende til deltakernes behov Kombinert nettkurs og klassisk klasseromsundervisning Alt ettersom hva som behøves mest hos akkurat dere! [-]
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4 490 kr
This course will provide you with a thorough understanding of the basics in Norwegian language. [+]
This course will provide you with a thorough understanding of the basics in Norwegian language. At the completion of this course, you will be able to: Command a basic vocabulary and put together basic sentences in everyday situations Pronounce words and sentences fairly correct Put your newly gained vocabulary and grammar rules into practice in conversations Use conjunctions and tag sentences (“leddsetninger”) This particular course does not include any formal testing.   Methodology and Grading Our courses use a blended learning approach where you will spend time with a small group and online. Additionally, you can add private lessons with our language specialist to work on your pronunciation. The training methodology is communicative, focusing on interactive activities in the classroom and online, but also includes reading and writing practice. Our school has a comfortable, informal and relaxed atmosphere where you will personally get to know the staff and the teachers :)   Start learning today! When you register for this course, you will get access to the online training and can start your journey whenever you please. Your username and password for the online course will be provided as soon as your payment is received.   You will learn how to understand, read, write, and speak Norwegian. You will also learn about Norwegian society.     Course Certificate When completing the course, you will receive a course certificate with the total the number of hours you have attended. Our school is an officially certified provider of Norwegian language courses for adult immigrants. Read more about our accreditation here. [-]
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Intensivt sommerkurs med klasseromsundervisning mandag, tirsdag, onsdag og torsdag + nettundervisning & ressurser [+]
Velg mellom dag og kveldstid. Oppstart mandag den 6. juli.  [-]
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5 uker 3 900 kr
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This course is for you who already speak Norwegian at an intermediate level, and would like to develop further to a fluent level. The B2 course consists of two modules. ... [+]
This course is for you who already speak Norwegian at an intermediate level, and would like to develop further to a fluent level. The upper-intermediate Norwegian course will train your conversational skills in Norwegian language, give you an in-depth understanding of the grammar and an extensive, broad vocabulary. Our objective is to train students to freely express themselves in everyday contexts and for general work purposes.   At the completion of this course, you will be able to: understand extended speech and lectures follow complex lines of argument understand most TV news and current affairs program understand the majority of films in standard dialect describe experiences, events and give reasons and explanations for opinions interact with relative fluency and ease   Breakdown of course content Course duration: 30 hours over 5 weeks
CEFR level goal: B2-1 or B2-2Exam preparation: Trial test in “Test i Norsk - høyere nivå” (Bergenstesten) after B2 module 2.Expected time investment: 10-15 hours per week   Course Format Schedule Duration Group sessions 2 days x 3 academic hours 30 hours             Examination After completing level B2 module I, and module II, students will be able to sit the test 'Test i norsk – høyere nivå' ('Bergenstesten'). The tests are external exams, facilitated by Norsk Språktest three times per year.   All attendants need to Speak Norwegian at an intermediate level (B1) or higher Have completed the books Opp og fram, Stein på Stein or equivalent level.   Course Certificate When completing the course, you will receive a course certificate with the total the number of hours you have attended. Our school is an officially certified provider of Norwegian language courses for adult immigrants. Read more about our accreditation here.   [-]
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Bedriftsintern 2 dager 950 kr
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Få opplæring i akkurat det dere trenger! Skreddersydde engelskkurs for næringslivet. Undervisning på alle nivå. Deltakerorientert pedagogikk. Vi tilbyr både "en til e..... [+]
Engelskundervisning på arbeidsplassen er en løsning som passer like bra til store konsern som små enkeltmannsforetak. Sett ganske enkelt til side noen timer hver uke, i eller etter arbeidstid, så ordner vi resten. Vi leverer fleksible timeplaner, skalerbare gruppestørrelser og opplæring i akkurat det dere har behov for!   Våre kursholdere har engelsk som morsmål, pedagogisk erfaring og flere års utdanning. Kursleder tilpasser undervisningen fortløpende etter behov og nivå.   Vi anbefaler bruk av kombinasjonsopplæring til de fleste bedrifter. Kombinasjonsopplæring går ut på å kombinere klasseromsundervisning med egenopplæring på internett. Dette er et moderne og kostnadseffektivt alternativ til å kun benytte klassisk kursformat. Samtidig så treffer det kunnskapsnivået til den enkelte perfekt, og antall timer den enkelte legger i egenstudiet vil øke kompetansenivået betraktelig.   Progressiv og intensiv opplæring med langsiktige mål Tilpasses de ansattes timeplan Tema og form tilpasses fortløpende til deltakernes behov og bedriftens ønsker Mulighet for kombinert nettkurs og klassisk klasseromsundervisning Mulighet for å vedlikeholde og spe på oppnådd kunnskapsnivå etter endt kurs med årlige workshops: Fullt fokus på skriftlige utfordringer (skrive epost og/ eller brev, formelle dokumenter etc.) eller muntlige utfordringer (presentasjoner, kundesamtaler, kundeservice etc.) Alt ettersom hva som behøves mest hos akkurat deg! [-]
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Klasserom + nettkurs 2 måneder 2 490 kr
You will be able to use the most common words and everyday phrases, as well as getting a technical understanding of the language. This level is the first building block t... [+]
Lingu’s Norwegian language courses are designed for adults who want to learn to speak and understand the Norwegian language and who need more flexibility in their training. The courses follow your individual pace for maximum flexibility and results. Studying at an individual pace means that the course will be tailored to your personal needs and goals! Subscribe now and you’ll get access to ALL A1 classes and lessons for beginners!   LEARNING OBJECTIVES FOR A1 The beginner course is the most important building block for learning the Norwegian language. It offers the basics in the Norwegian language. After completing this level, you will be able to interact with others in Norwegian in a simple manner, for example meet and greet and everyday conversations. You will be able to listen and understand simple questions if your conversation partner speaks slowly and clearly, and you can also answer simple questions about yourself and about the place you live. You can talk about people you know and things that interests you. Our main objective is to make you comfortable speaking Norwegian language.   Main learning objectives: Common verbs in present, past and future tenses Basic grammar and pronunciation Common phrases related to meet and greet situations Agree and disagree with statements Write simple essays Read simple texts from everyday life   COURSE DURATION The expected duration is 1-2 months. However, each member will follow his or her own individual learning plan. 10 – 15 hours of study per week should allow you to complete the A1 in four or five weeks. With a slower pace, for example 5 hours per week, the course may take two or three months to complete. You can start the course any time!   ACCREDITED LANGUAGE COURSE PROVIDER Lingu is accredited by Kompetanse Norge. You will get a course certificate, which is valid for permanent residence and citizenship applications in Norway. You can be accredited for maximum 12 hours per week for all learning activities combined.   THE CLASSES As a member of Lingu’s A1 course, you can study when it suits you. You have access to all A1 classes and you can attend as many as you want! The classroom lessons are held twice per week at our language centres in Oslo and Stavanger, and the online lessons are available from any smartphone, tablet or laptop. See the schedule for more information about time and topic.   PAYMENT This course is a subscription course, which means you will set up a monthly or quarterly payment agreement, and your card will automatically be charged for your access until you unsubscribe. When you have completed level, you can upgrade to the next level with a simple click.   COURSE MATERIALS No course materials or books are strictly required in order to attend our courses. However, we recommend that you purchase or download these recommended books: Med Tusen ord: Tekst og Arbeidsbok (Buy it here) Exploring Norwegian Grammar (Buy it here) The books can be used for all our course levels.   Stream live classes As a member, you can stream the classes live directly from Oslo and Stavanger (starting March 2017). More information will come later.   Recorded lessons Recorded lessons will be available in the recordings archive so you can easily browse and find the information you need, whether that is pronunciation training, grammar, or any other topic.   “Veien inn A1” Veien inn A1 is a comprehensive self-study platform that covers all aspects of the Norwegian language from beginner level.   A1 exercises and level test You will get access to various exercises online, which help you practice grammar, reading and writing skills and build a larger vocabulary. After 4 weeks, you will get access to a level test for A1. If you complete the test with sufficient score, you can upgrade to the next level (A2).   SUBSCRIBE NOW AND GET INSTANT ACCESS TO ALL A1 CLASSES AND LESSONS!   There's no contract. You can unsubscribe at any time! [-]
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Nettkurs 197 kr
Tired of boring Norwegian courses? "The Mystery of Nils" is a coherent story, which starts very simply, but develops into a fascinating novel. Can’t stop reading? Well ..... [+]
Learn Norwegian with a fascinating storyWe all hate these dull Norwegian courses that begin with “Hello, what’s your name?“, don’t we?The Mystery of Nils is a coherent story, which starts very simply, but develops into a fascinating novel. Can’t stop reading? Well then ‒ you will have to learn Norwegian! In this course you will be able to read the story and listen to it as well - it is read by native Norwegian speakers.  Relevant vocabularyWe have carefully selected the most frequently used words in the Norwegian language and made sure that the story is primarily made up of them. Separate texts and exercises focus on conversational topics that will prepare you for living in Norway. Recorded video of the vocabulary will make it easy for you to pronounce new words correctly. Visualized, simple explanationsGrammar is a headache? Not with The Mystery of Nils. Uncover the structure of the Norwegian language with casual yet comprehensive video explanations, pictures, and a lot of easy to remember examples.Practice online as much as you wish.Repetition is the key to learning a language. This course contains a great number of exercises for fluency, listening comprehension, vocabulary use, and grammar, as well as videos about pronunciation, and a whole lot more. Download exercises for listening comprehension on your smartphone or computer so that you can repeat them wherever you are. Get help from live teachers.Our Norwegian teachers have co-created this course. They know all the obstacles you might incur and can help you with individual training through Skype (at an additional rate). You will also be a member of our Facebook community, where you can meet other students and ask questions to real teachers. Meet other students.In our Facebook community you can meet other students so that you can support each other, exchange learning strategies, find learning buddies ... and whenever you feel stuck, you can also post questions and get help from more advanced students or "real" Norwegian teachers. This is the story: Erna Langvik gives her eight year old granddaughter a special birthday present: a doll inspired by the traditional Norwegian mythical creature Nisse. Nils ‒ as the doll is called ‒ leads a happy life with his new family in Oslo. But due to an accident, Nils finds out that he means a lot more to Erna than just being a birthday present. Without knowing it, he has been carrying a painful secret, and during an adventurous trip to Northern Norway, he helps Erna to make one of the most important decisions of her life. You can sign up here. [-]
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Klasserom + nettkurs 16 timer 9 500 kr
Privatundervisning i engelsk er et kurs for deg som ønsker fullt fokus på dine egne utfordringer og målsettinger. Du får din egen, personlige engelsklærer som lager en ku... [+]
Om privatundervisning Ønsker du et individuelt tilpasset språkkurs i engelsk? Bestill privatundervisning med våre dyktige lærere! Du bestemmer selv tid og sted for undervisningen og læreren lager et kursopplegg basert på dine behov og premisser.   Bli trygg på engelsken din med en privatlærer! Privatundervisning hos Lingu er et kurs for deg som ønsker fullt fokus på dine egne utfordringer og målsettinger. Du får din egen, personlige engelsklærer som lager en kursplan basert på dine unike behov. Effektivt og personlig En av de største fordelene med å ha en profesjonell privatlærer er at du lærer utrolig mye mer effektivt enn når du jobber i en stor gruppe og følger en generell kursplan. Her er noen flere fordeler Fleksibel timeplan En kursplan for dine unike behov Uformell og tillitsfull atmosfære     Hvem er dette for? Dersom du oppfyller ett av disse kriteriene bør du bestille privatundervisning: Du ønsker tilpasset progresjon Du ønsker fleksibel undervisningstid Du ønsker undervisning i et spesielt emne eller nivå [-]
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Klasserom + nettkurs 4 måneder 2 290 kr
You can choose between morning and evening classes. This course is for expats who have completed the elementary course previously or the books “På Vei” or “Ny i Norge”. .... [+]
You will get a broad competency in written, spoken and oral Norwegian by following this course. A variety of everyday topics related to self, home, and work will be covered. This course has an intensive timeframe, therefore it is expected that students take time at home to study and complete online assignments in order to not fall behind.   At the completion of this course, students will be able to: Understand the main points of clear standard speech Describe experiences and events, and give reasons and explanations for opinions Understand everyday texts or job-related language. Write simple texts on topics, which are familiar or of personal interest. Participate in conversations on topics that are of personal interest or related to everyday life   The B1 course will prepare you for Norskprøve 3. Breakdown of course content Course duration: 50 hours over 5 weeks
CEFR level goal: B1-1 or B1-2Exam preparation: None, trial test in Norskprøve 3 
after B1 module 2.Expected time investment: 10-15 hours per week   Course Format Schedule Duration Group sessions 2 days x 3 academic hours 30 hours E-learning Available online 24/7 20 hours   Total: 50 hours     Methodology and Grading Our courses use a blended learning approach where you will spend time with a small group and online. Additionally, you can add private lessons with our language specialist to work on your pronunciation. The training methodology is communicative, focusing on interactive activities in the classroom and online, but also includes reading and writing practice. Our school has a comfortable, informal and relaxed atmosphere where you will personally get to know the staff and the teachers :)   Start learning today! When you register for this course, you will get access to the online training and can start your journey whenever you please. Your username and password for the online course will be provided as soon as your payment is received.   E-learning NorskPluss Akademi is an highly interactive online course.  You will learn how to understand, read, write, and speak Norwegian. You will also learn about Norwegian society. The course is divided into three levels:  A1, A2 and B1. You will have access to all the levels. The course is built on the official course plan for Norwegian language and culture. NorskPluss Akademi will help you to reach the level needed to complete the National Norwegian exams:  Norskprøve 2 after completing level A2 and Norskprøve 3 after completing level B1.   Learn more about NorskPluss Akademi here.   Examination After completing module 1 and 2, you will be able to take the test "Norskprøve 3". Norsk Språktest facilitates the test three times per year.     Course Certificate When completing the course, you will receive a course certificate with the total the number of hours you have attended. Our school is an officially certified provider of Norwegian language courses for adult immigrants. Read more about our accreditation here.   [-]
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Klasserom + nettkurs 2 måneder 3 900 kr
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You can choose between morning and evening classes. This course will provide you with a thorough understanding of the basics in Norwegian language. [+]
This course will provide you with a thorough understanding of the basics in Norwegian language. At the completion of this course, you will be able to: Command a basic vocabulary and put together basic sentences in everyday situations Pronounce words and sentences fairly correct Put your newly gained vocabulary and grammar rules into practice in conversations Use conjunctions and tag sentences (“leddsetninger”) This particular course does not include any formal testing.   Breakdown of course content Course duration: 50 hours over 5 weeks
CEFR level goal: A2Exam preparation: NoneExpected time investment: 10-15 hours per week   Course Format Schedule Duration Group sessions 2 days x 3 academic hours 30 hours E-learning Available online 24/7 20 hours   Total: 50 hours               Methodology and Grading Our courses use a blended learning approach where you will spend time with a small group and online. Additionally, you can add private lessons with our language specialist to work on your pronunciation. The training methodology is communicative, focusing on interactive activities in the classroom and online, but also includes reading and writing practice. Our school has a comfortable, informal and relaxed atmosphere where you will personally get to know the staff and the teachers :)   Start learning today! When you register for this course, you will get access to the online training and can start your journey whenever you please. Your username and password for the online course will be provided as soon as your payment is received.   E-learning NorskPluss Akademi is an highly interactive online course. You will learn how to understand, read, write, and speak Norwegian. You will also learn about Norwegian society. The course is divided into three levels:  A1, A2 and B1. You will have access to all the levels. The course is built on the official course plan for Norwegian language and culture. NorskPluss Akademi will help you to reach the level needed to complete the National Norwegian exams:  Norskprøve 2 after completing level A2 and Norskprøve 3 after completing level B1. Learn more about NorskPluss Akademi here.   Course Certificate When completing the course, you will receive a course certificate with the total the number of hours you have attended. Our school is an officially certified provider of Norwegian language courses for adult immigrants. Read more about our accreditation here. [-]
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